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Reviews for "33 Ways for a Ninja to Dy"

What the -

Wow. There's mispelling, 'ninja nudity', and more than 33 ways to die. I counted.

Orange-Animation responds:

Nooooo... :| I counted wrong.. :(
Well, your right about the nudity though. But that was a one time joke. :P

33 ways for something to die, anyway...

Well, aside from the fact that the movie should more accurately be titled, "33 ways for a stick figure to die," there are some other things I'd like to critique.

Firstly. Stick figures. I know, "not everyone can draw." But serriously. If you're going to take the time to think up 33 ways to "kill" someone, you could spend a little more time adding clothes, or at least making them pipe-men. Your design for most of the stick figures was a little awkward too, as you atatched the legs above the bottom of the torso. This gave your stick figures a vulgar looking "third leg" which would be eliminated if you would just atatch the legs to the bottom of the torso.

Secondly, the pacing of the script. You open with a generic "stick figure dieing on a crudely drawn cliff" which immediately sets up the mood for the rest of the film as lack luster and n00bish. The most important rule for script writing is to start strong and finish stronger. If you have a very dynamic and exciting beginning and end, people won't care so much about the middle. I would have suggested starting with something like a giant explosion in the beggining to draw in your viewers. 'Cause as it is, they see another stick figure cliff flash and lose interest immediately. So work on the pacing of the script, and remember to hook in your audience.

That's pretty much all I have to say. Because I didn't watch all of it (like I said, you need to hook people), I can't critique you on all 33 ways you chose to kill stick figures. My one request is that if you decide to do something like this in the future, don't invoke the name of ninjas just to get people to vote higher on your flash. 'Cause if you named it what it was - "33 ways for a stick figure to die" - the score would be much lower, I can tell you that.

Orange-Animation responds:

First of all, thank you for taking your time to give us advice!
Secondly, yes, we need improved drawing and less vulgarity.
You also raise a very good point about pacing of the script. I will keep it in mind!
I'm not sure people would've voted lower because of being called ninja, but you are right that we should have made the sticks look more like them.


I have to say at first look it was a little repetitive but as i got into it i had a few laughs
U got two thumbs up from me!

Orange-Animation responds:

Thanks :)

goe mah

probeer u tekeningen goed met de kantjes af te werken gebruik desnoods pixels
mah een flash makeu is zwaar werk

Orange-Animation responds:

Pixels is niet echt mooi in flash :P Dat zorgt juist voor witte randjes en dergelijke.
Bedankt eeh!

It has potential.

Sure, the character designs weren't spectacular, the actual animation to me was pretty decent. Coupled with the fact that it was a different concept, I say that with a few improvements to character and background designs, this has some good potential to be a 3+ point-ranking flash.

Orange-Animation responds:

Thanks for the review! =D