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Reviews for "Bucketball"


It's an awesome game, one of the best and most addictive in a while, but how the ball keeps going up and bouncing when it lands in a bucket of another color facing up forever, frustrated me too much and has forced me to hate this game and has generated a huge hate for you.


Well I'm going to cut right into the review by saying what the HELL were you thinking when you made this?
Now that might be a bit harsh but c'mon..."Shoot the balls into the correct bucket to progress" ok have you made any Mario parodies lately? That game idea is overplayed enough as it is...ok now on to the real review and not just an opinion.

The graphics I must say was the best feature this game had to offer, the ground and animation were crisp and smooth, and it gave me a sense that I was playing something on the 360 marketplace, unfortunately graphics and animation don't make a game entirely.

I'll give you credit since you added a mute button, much appreciated by the way.
The game play to this game was pretty lousy, if anything. I felt tired and bored holding on to the mouse while I tried to aim correctly and just making a pong effect with the ball, and just repeatedly trying at one thing, then having to start over from the SLIGHTEST error. The system of switching balls was UNGODLY ANNOYING! I would end up shooting a red one when I wanted to shoot an orange one, and I can't cancel the timer so I'm screwed and just have to lose half my points for red.
Don't get me started on physics by the way, it makes as much sense as an old lady tearing someone's spine out Mortal Kombat style.
I would shoot a ball, and it'd go up and down oddly, then when it hit something, it stops, and gravitates either to whatever wall it hit, or just falls in the direction I was aiming, so it'd look like this: - - - - - - |
What? Eh...it just seemed very artificial, and no where near realistic, oh and how heavy are the balls? They don't seem to bounce off anything EVER or off the ground, they just plummet then stick to the ground almost.

Well that's about all I can say that I really want to say that hasn't been said 50 times over, it was a nice attempt I will say,
you have definte potential, just this was a flop in your career.

No offense...but..uh...yeah...

This is pretty bad. The whole concept is a little lame and besides, its been done too many times already. And the music doesn't help this games case either.


Do not play this game. It may have good graphics but this is terrible and it is challenging.

Wow, dude....Wow

Well, it didn't suck completely, but it still sucked. It gets annoying after you miss the 3rd shot, and the 3rd level takes to long. 1 star, be happy with it.