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Reviews for "The Necronomicon 2.0"


Wow, this game is fun, stays true to Lovecraft and delivers an evil and sadistic athmosphere. The cards were great(My favourite were the City of R'ylth and The Black Goat of the Woods(With a 1000 young)). My only complaint is that mochiads thing at the start, it isn't even there to load the game, it just pretends to load so it can throw an advertisement at you. Overall:

The Necronomicon is great and if you don't think so then you must be a pussy or stupid!

Lots of fun

but you should make more cards that reduce opponents sanity like a visit to Innsmouth which should reduce alot of sanity or something.As Painjester said the insanity effects should get worse as you lose insanity and suicide would be rather amusing :).overall great game even for those who arent familiar with lovecraft's work.

feel lucky today ?

The game's a nice idea altogether, makes me want to replay the "real" cthulhu game :D
But the balance of card effects has to be worked on. The whole system as it is right now is almost reduced to base on luck. For example - the challenges. You have 10 life and need to fight an opponent with 4 times as much. You start, have no healing card, your opponent plays a card giving you a 14-damage-clout, you die. Happy end. The challenges are ridiculous. The main game presents itself better - but still you need to rely on your opponent's stupidity. I love to see, when I force him to discard a card he could have used some turns before to defeat my ass.
What I also consider a bit unbalanced is insanity. In my opinion Xenophobia is a blessing compared to Megalomania. Who needs a weak monster, that doesn't attack, if one can just toss around spells doing far more than 10 damage? - without fearing insanity costs of course - because it can't get any lower than -10. I would employ MORE side effects with advancing insanity, whatever, but NOT just stop counting at -10. Or stronger monsters, maybe some which cannot be banned. Whatever, just something to restore balance and strategical thinking.

p.s.: in "CoC: dark corners of the earth" you don't stop being insane at a certain level. if it's to much, you commit suicide.

Plowking74 responds:

Committing suicide when really low sanity is a game idea I had from the beginning, but I never added it because getting the CPU to play effectively and not just send himself insane was requiring too many programming conditions.

The new game will be more tactical, and will have a deck editor as well.


Much better than the old one, need more cards thought xD


Well worked out art (both sounds and graphics), and of course an "inviting" atmospehere. One of the reasons I really like it is that when I was a kid, we never had money to buy such (collectable) cards. The other reasons: fun, challenges, replayability, autosave mode, um... oh and the cards themselves :-D My 2 favorits were the Hound of Tindalos and Mad Experiment!

I really admire the way you planned this out, then made it intricate but easily comprehensible at the same time.