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Reviews for "Antiskill- Quasar (FULL)"


I am searching for a song right now which I can use as a background track in one of my presentations for University, and I would really like to use this!
Hopefully you are OK with this and of course credit would be given!

Love the track!

YakovlevArt responds:

Yeah I'm totally fine with you using it =]
PM me about the details and maybe I can provide you with an altered version if you wish.

Very nice!

Don't hear much neurofunk about these parts, loving the power of this track. The beat, the glitches, just everything, so pro. Keep it up, 10/ 5/ DL.

YakovlevArt responds:

Yeah I can agree on that.
I'm glad you liked everything (pretty much)
Thanks for the DL too =]

Giygas appeared!

The start made me think of Giygas with just that low echo hum sound I was hearing there. Then I started to hear some other heavy sounds and kept thinking of Giygas anyways. Very dark feeling song though. The vocals were cool and then it switched to what feels like a really fast and pumped up feeling boss battle style song in my opinion.

The dark hum near the start gives a feel of Giygas being before you at the Infinite Devil Machine and you have to hurry before it consumes all time periods and makes everything totally chaotic forever. The louder strange sound sounded a bit like someone moving plastic wrap around a lot and adding some effects to it to make it creepy.

I like how there is a bit of glitchstepping added to this song for that perfect feel of things starting to go wrong in the battle as you await its next move while you have Paula keep praying and hoping for it to be defeated.

The drums here were really smooth and I like how it feels a lot like triplet notes there coming on and off very quickly. The synth seems to have a heavy amount of distortion added to give that feel of it fading and coming back incredibly fast. The bass here was great and very deep as well.

Overall, amazingly great song. Would love to hear it in some kind of dark boss battle too. Great work here.


Awesome track mate, but I don't think it qualifies as Neurofunk, its too melodic for it, usually Neurofunk is really repetetive with HEAVY basses!

But anyways, on to da review'n'stuff:

First of all, the drums.That cymbal with reverb at the beginning is too loud, I suggest making it a bit more "foggy" if you know what im trying to say, and add a lil more reverb to it! And that reverse snare or whatever is too short, it scares you when it comes, make it longer! And I agree to Stavier down there, that kick is pretty techno-ish in a way! And another thing, the snare, it needs more punch, if you want DnB, you need lotz and lotz of punch!
Second thing, da reese. I LOVE it! Nothing bad to say about it except that it needs moar acid! And that arp, makes the track feel SO much faster!

Now, the overall mix! I think that the intro is too dark for the song intself, and I don't really like the fact that the breakdown starts so suddenly, you should add something cool before it starts, like the oh so overused kick roll build, or maybe a tom fill or something else!

Aside the minor issues I had with dis, I think its a pretty awesome track! Sooo I give you a 9/10 and da good ol' 5 bomb!

YakovlevArt responds:

Awesome man.
It's nice to get a few pointers from a drum & bass producer.

A lot of what you pointed out are small things, but iI can see how they would make the track better.
Welp, this is only the 1st of many.
Thanks for the review, much appreciated =]

Long time, no review

I've been kinda dead on reviews lately cuz of skool and other crap :P But, you will be my first review in awhile. It's nice to see a lil' change up from you, seeing and hearing that you made a dnb track :D Let's get sterted now on dis revuuu

That bass is damn sexy. That's a really nice reese bass you got goin' there all wobbly and liquid. Makes my body shiver with evil & such. At 2:18, that's probably the best part with that bass. Also, it had some nice variation in there too.

Drums, the 2nd most important part of a dnb song. That snare hits nice. Maybe a little less reverb, but still sounds great. That kick is also eq'ed rather awesomely, but seems to need to hit harder. The only reason I say that is cuz the kick sounds too techno-ish since I'm listenin' with headphones. Maybe boost them hi-hats up just a lil' on the volume. Besides that, the variation and patterns themselves agree nicely with the song :D

Lov the vocal sample, where did you get it from anyways?? I think you should've used it more cuz it sounded great. Like you could've used it a 2nd time, but make it all glitchy and high pitched or somethin', but that's just a suggestion, not an issue or anythin'

Nice arp you got in there. Makes the track more hyper and fast paced. You used it very nice during that 2nd break too. Had the same thing goin', but never got repetitive since you added fx's to it, well played sir.

That was also a nice synth you had in there. Was that a nexus preset??:D Cuz it sounds so freakin' similiar. I like how you glitched it too. Did you use dblue glitch?? Cuz it sounds like it. Not judging you if you use it cuz dblue glitch is the bomb man!!!

Nice ambient pad you used here and there too. You fitted in nicely with neurofunk part of the song. Those horns rocked my socks too cuz they added nice transitiong to the song.

The intro was very nice. Already gave me the feel it was goin' to be dark, along with the title, even though I don't know what it means :P The outro seemed kinda ehhh. Maybe you could've ended it with like a super glitchy ending with the pitch goin' up and or down or somethin', but not completely sure, yet the horn ending the song was good.

Overall, this was a very good song. When it comes to DnB, I like to review it with tremendous critique, ya know?? Nice job man!!!
5/5 (Cuz im a 5 bomber)