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Reviews for "Good Ol' Poker"

Errrr... What the hell were you thinking?

You have a problem with your math and the decisions the CPU makes... I played it the first time and thought, "Something's wrong here..." So I played it five more times to make sure it wasn't just my imagination.

1: Billy The Kidney cannot bluff or call with anything less than a straight, with the odds sitting at a rough 1/32 to pull a straight in 5-card-draw this makes the game incredibly frustrating if you were able to bust out the other players in the first five hands, which I did every time.

2: One of the characters has the single best ability in the game and makes the rest plain stupid to play as. (I can change color or suit? Yeah - that's a balanced mechanic...)

3: Pezza is correct - Jessica ALWAYS knows what the player has - five of the hands that she was a part of I was holding a face pair and she could pick it out, each time she was holding a hand that had a 1/5 - 1/10 chance of pulling a pair from the deck that would have been higher than mine, but a 1/2 - 1/4 chance of pulling two-pair... That's just unforgivable CPU cheating.

4: If at any time you are holding a straight or better the rest of the characters, some for NO REASON, will try to bet their entire stack to bluff you out of it.

5: Through dumb luck I wound up with a straight flush and everyone folded - with one of them holding a flush... Again, unforgivably bad logic in the code.

6: Why in the hell is my raise limit capped at 40 when there's an All-In button? This only means that the programming the CPU follows dictates that it can't comprehend higher than 4 variables... Sloppy programming. (50 or above raises the required paths and outcomes from around 256 to over 1024.)

7: 15 rounds is also too short for a four-player game to have a discernable winner, as once I would up with the exact score of my opponent (Jessica James)

To put it in a better way to the 14-year-old NG users:


(the 3 is for the graphics - they're mildly entertaining.)

Must agree with jadekai

The gameplay is so seriously flawed that the only positive positive attribute comes from the characters and the fact that the scenery is quite nice. Too bad, because its always nice with a good poker game out there, but the fact that you're able to abuse the other players with raising above their stack is ridiculous, as well as the fact that some seemingly knows your hand, and others don't know what they have themselves. (Calling an all in with jack high).

Too bad, with the AI in play now the game is hardly worth playing. Nice artwork though!


waste of time, play governer of poker its alot better


it takes forever for the cards to be delt i hate it

Okay, it sucked

It was slow, pretty crappy. Good animation, but it was boring.