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Reviews for "Wave Warrior Sonic EXE"

This is a fantastic game and I always love playing it. I see constant improvements among the 3 games. This one has an adequate fighting system and all the basics of a game down-HOWEVER
Rogue sometimes uses overdrive TWICE in a row which means I could not heal no matter what I do and that I automatically lost against her You also should have added a play button as there is too much to read before playing. Also, you have the scene select vertical...wtf man?

The passwords for the scenes are meeting (MEETING if the first one does not work-when you are found by the team), chase scene is JUNGLE (can be lowercase), Fierce for the 3rd boss, Admit for the scene after the 4th boss)
For the chase scene-a good tip is to stay in front and spam jump. You may have to run back now and again, but use your boost to get back in front-that way you minimize damage since most of zeros attacks are mid-back screen.
For Zero (the first boss) you can basically just special attack until he's done, Espio you just attack, heal when needed, and use the zero soulinker, and finally for Rogue you attack, heal when needed (I recommend as soon as you hit below 50% as she does have a move that takes 75% of your health-make sure to use the aura spreader when needed), and zero soulinker as your main source of attack.

Another Final Fantasy (Sort of)

I found it annoying that I had to keep clicking forward to advance the communication. I would have rather read the one sentence lines instead of having to click forward. Second, have a continue option for when you have the passwords up, some went by too quickly to memorize or write down. I though I was watching a movie at first then it is a game. You should recatorize this flash as a game and not a movie. All in all of what I said, it is a well administered game.

This needs a lot of work

One of the biggest issues with this game is the extremly bad english. Most words were at least spelled correctely, so you should only have to worry about getting someone from the forum or the rest of the NG community to help you with translations. Next is the sounds and the graphics: the graphics were blurry and choppy so you might look for someone to help you smooth out the edges for you a bit as an editor. The sound you already commented on so cant really say anything that you already haven't but having to hear Sonic cry "WHAT" every time he gets hit is way too annoying to deal with more than twice. Seriously find some new sounds and voices (possibly even voice actors before putting together the next one. Now on the game itself...it should really be labeled game... The game DEPERATELY needs numbers recording how much health, magic and OD meter remain, as well as how much damage is being done so you can keep track of what is happening and how much you can push yourself to the limits, otherwises your just "shooting in the dark." And as for the battles, they need to be at least finishable on the second try at least! I fought Espio 3 times and still didn't beat him! Activating the OD was hard enough without having to save every ounce of magic you've got just for an attack that doesn't do much and no way to build it up without getting hit by HIS OD! Apart from this game being a total ripoff of BlackDevilXs' FFSX, I think this whole game needs to be sent back through the assembly line in preparation for the sequal if there is one. If your going to make a series based off of someone elses work, at least try to emulate thier adhearence to quality.

that was good, but...

learn to use grammar please. woulda given it a 9, but the grammar...geez man. your like, (thios wasnt an actual saying from the story, but its close) "my master awaken in 2 body" you get 5/10 for that sort of thing.

There's some English errors. That's the only flaw to this RPG