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Reviews for "We Drink Ritalin"

...what can I say that hasn't already been said?

Really, I don't know why I like these animutations; they're completely nonsensical. But there's something about them that's just hysterical. Maybe it's the hilarious literal English translations, or maybe it's the random pop-culture images spinning around and singing along, but a good animutation (like this one) makes me laugh my ass off every time. My only complaint is the lack of a stop and rewind button. Things happen so fast, it's hard to keep up! Good job!

This flash rocks, hands down! Best I've seen yet.

There's just too much humour to really pick what I thought was best. For something so quickly thrown together, it sure is appealing. I'm hooked to it. Help! XD


That was weird... and didn't make me laugh... I don't like giving negative comments, but I have to be honest.


I dunno why I am even writing this. It's already obvious that you have created the best music video ever. Just...Please make it more clear on where to download audio for this.

Argh......... the eyes, they are watching!!!!

I have finally taken it upon myself to write a reveiw of this hilarious flash movie. What is there to say that hasnt been said? My only question is where can I download the song, because even hearing snippets of it give me flashbacks of the movie....