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Reviews for "Newgrounds Flagging Guide"

ths for the info

I almost never watch Movies on NG but i thought i'd give it a try for this one
I shall never regret this
I never knew about those flagging poinnts and always have wondered how to get a better whistle
now i know and I'm gonna start the hunt for bad review
this site is just getting better and better =D

Little-Rena responds:

You should watch things on Newgrounds, there are some pretty good flash here.

Great help in that Flash!

Whoah that was awesome.I also liked the jokes u put in there aswell,objection!!,lol,thanks,that really helped me(please dont flag this review useless because of the objection!! thing i wrote,lol).

Little-Rena responds:

Well so long as you liked it and well, you pointed something out that's in the flash, I'm not going to say there's anything wrong with that :D

Also, the objection thing was just silly, no relevence but I'm glad you liked it.

Pretty good.

Animation/Graphics - The buttons were nice the way they were organized and the entire flash was pretty well organized itself. And if I may say so myself you are a great drawer. >.< I know this has been stated in other reviews, but you could of had better color combinations because I almost went cross eyed reading your buttons and text. It seems like none of use can find the good background to these guides.

Story - This was made around the same time that mine was made. WE MUST BE COPYING EACH OTHER. Haha, joking of course. The more of these that are out there the better so there is a better chance of people who don't understand the whistle system to see it. Just like the one I help make you left out some important stuff, but you also had a lot of other stuff covered that most guides don't.

Audio - Decent audio. I really didn't like it though since it got really boring and old fast. I think guides like this should have a menu where you can select different songs to listen to.

Overall, a good guide that will help people out.

~ Review Request Club ~


Little-Rena responds:

Well thanks, I'd been meaning to write my own guide for a while just often very lazy to do so, just wanted to try it, lol. I know about the text but my fla went blank when I opened it again so I couldn't change anything and the decomiler made the images all rubbish so ehh.

Audio menu is okay but then, it could bring the filesize way up, which isn't what I wanted, so I had a mute button to it, lol.


this kind of work is important to this website cuz it helps to keep order and intructs the rookies.
Even i learn something.
i believe that all ng users will be satisfied with this work cuz you turn the learning system less boring.

Little-Rena responds:

Yeah, you could say that, thanks for the review.

Thank you this is useful