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Reviews for "intrusion"

Pretty Damn Good

It can get annoying when u keep dying than have to start the WHOLE LEVEL over, but its still fun as hell. I dont know why ppl saying "its so hard," the only hard part is the last boss, and even he gets pwnt easily with good reflexes and a SMG (SMG is the best vs. his second stage). Bosses were interesting and fun, except for the last boss who pissed me off until i found out smg was better against him than blaster and grenade launcher. Graphics were nice and retroish, giving the game a nice atmosphere. And like everyone else, i agree: MAKE A SEQUEL. Also make a little story w/ it. I mean we cant just be firing at them w/ no reason to hate them. Maybe put Michael Jacksons face on the enemy units (sorta j/k).

Very very nice!!!!

I LOVE this game!! Very nice graphics, love the rag doll, bosses, difficulty etc...

but, the game did lack a couple things...

Here's some major ones that bugged me.


The boxes, steel crates and other movable objects that you couldn't shoot through, the enemies could. In fact, the enemies could run right through a barrier and shoot at you while you tried to push it away from him making it seemingly impossible to kill enemies if there were too many.

The enemy machine guns (automatic weapns SMG etc) if you were to fight them on flat ground with nothing to hide behind, it would take a large chunk of your health.Because the enemy just rapidly shoots at you in all directions, you aren't a ninja or even that quick to dodge that many bullets normally costing you a life.
In other words, more active barriers would help game play quite some bit.

The Mobile Machine Gunner you get very close to the end of the game needs an EXIT command (or if i missed, a more noticeable note on how to exit the mechanism). I got seemingly lucky using it because i ended up getting to the end of the area where you need to walk through a tiny hole that only fits people, and i was stuck in the mech. Because i didn't know of how to exit, i looked around the field to find one last guy with a machine gun to destroy the rest of my mech... if he wasn't there i would be stuck forever.

When you fight the caterpillar guy who shoots a laser and uses a drill, maybe he is or isn't supposed to but he dies after the first 3 chunks and it still looks like he's quite alive. Either way, i would've ran out of ammunition but he just didn't look like he was dead.

I also had multiple disappointments in this game while i was playing it, like the fact that those helicopters were everywhere and took forever to kill, like one of the first bosses... that or a boss came OUT of a helicopter, like the crate boss that just shoots out unlimited people and charges at you... original, but just plain weird. The other disappointment was how boring the very last boss was. He had no variation on attacks, the ball shooter was easily avoided because they hit the platforms that are sticking out, and he also just took forever to kill using up around 100 grenade launcher shots and some other bullets i found lying around on me. The thing that the game missed (in my opinion) is grenades... just like in metal slug so you can lob one over an edge, have it bounce right to the enemy so that you can get easier multi kills (before you get grenade launcher or laser gun). The game having little story resemblance except you are progressing through the game to kill one boss at the end made little sense and could've done better with some boss music or a theme song to make the game catchy.

Not everything is bad though, because there are allot of things you did that no one else does anymore or at all. First of all, you made a game with basically all rag doll effects and is a shooter at the same time. You also based it around one of my favorite games, metal slug (unfair handicap against others but I'm not done). You made it to be more original because instead of shooting in 4 directions, it's all completely 360 degrees of shooting to hit all targets including the ones that are placed diagonally of you. The bosses, were very tough indeed and required a good strategy on how to kill them, very unique in attacks and had the fun keep going when they dropped enemies that you can have fun and just shoot off. The levels, scrolling background and tools to help you get by (like bounce plates, wires and switches) along with the cool weapons for different enemies and bosses all crammed in one game...

Hell, you gotta love this game. Mindless blood shed, bodies ricocheting off walls and such with explosions... typical award winning game and i hope you make a sequel or something to continue the endless entertainment.

Thank you for the fun and entertainment.



This thing just oozes awesome. Simple, addictive gunplay and a hell of a lot of fun. I just wish I could vote 7 on this. I guess a 5 will have to do. :3

Please, in the name of all that is good and pleasurable, make a sequel.


there is 2 problems with this game 1 is no duble jump 2 is no short range attack you could have put in a engerysword for closerang and a game like this usally lets u create your person but that would be a lucturey so its not a problem

Definatly an awesome game!

Played all the way to the end, I loved it! finally something got me away from those damn glooples!