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Reviews for "Amorphous+"

wicked awesome

i'm so addicted to this game. never got a chance to play the original but i love this!
i've already got well over hlaf the awards. 10/10 5/5

and to the guy below me, the litterbug awards is for splattering 50 adult clutters. nothing really that special.

A much-needed update to a Newgrounds classic.

Like others, when I first saw Amorphous I was a little put off by the simplistic presentation, but, as I've played it over the last year or so - it makes an excellent timewaster when waiting for DVDs to burn or while looking for party - I've come to adore the gradient-heavy graphics and stock sound effects. Something about the game is just charming in its naivete, and the updates in Amorphous+ only serve to improve on the game's fun basic gameplay.

The overall gameplay, which still mostly consists of running about with the mouse and clicking to swing your oversized sword to splatter little goo-balls, is greatly improved by the addition of awards and rewards, which are the biggest change among the many changes here. Of course, as the game progresses, these little goo-balls become more and more dangerous and rapidly, your little guy is in quite a predicament. Thankfully, not only can you can use the glooples against each other, there are a slew of unlockable upgrades available, and so this extremely primitive gameplay gives way to a very surprising depth that makes the game infuriatingly hard and frustratingly addictive at the same time, much in the same way as the best classic shooters.

Other much-appreciated new features in this version, I'm told, are the option to mute the sound effects, music, or both (I love Revolution Void, but after more than a year I'm a touch tired of it m'self), the restructuring of difficulty selection, several changes in individual gloople behavior, a little bit of optimizing, and a whole bunch of bug-fixing. Yay for that.

Advice for new players - if you find the game to be excruciatingly slow, turn on the FPS counter in the options menu. It should be running at or near 30FPS the whole time. If you find the game to be excruciatingly difficult, it is. :3 I advise reading the tips. They're snarky, but incredibly helpful.

As before, Amorphous is addicting, fun, and now has re-play value I'd have never imagined. I can't wait to see what's next from innocuousGames.


this has got to be the most addictive game on this site. though it does suck when u die so close to finishing a nest




This is probably the best flash game I've ever played, it's certainly the most addictive. Biteys will haunt my dreams now.

Thanks ^^