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Reviews for "Amorphous+"

Finally in the top 50!

I have been voting 5s every day waiting for this game to hit the top 50. It finally did today.

So, amazing game, I could repeat what everyone else has said to complement it, but I'm going to save time by cutting to suggestions and complaints.

#1 Volume control. People like different levels of Music and Sound, and sometimes use other things in the background. This would be an appreciated addition.

#2 Quality control. Pressing the "Q" key in-game should toggle the quality.

#3 More combinations of Glopples. That is one of the more unique features, yet it only happens incredibly rarely and only with a select few Glopples. Even after a dozen + hours of play, I have only encountered a couple of Horrors.

#4 Some kind of minimal story would not be out of place. A good campaign with objectives to go with it could add even more fun.

#5 If possible, multi-player in a sequel would be unrivaled. (I'm assuming co-op, as fighting each other would be pointless unless you totally changed the battle system.) Co-operative combat attempting to get more points than the other player while still not dying.

#6 More balanced rewards? Some things like the Reactive Armor are obviously better than others like the Expandable Wall. They do all have unique uses, but they really aren't quite balanced.

#7 Bigger area to move and fight in. One of the only and most frustrating things in this game is the small area. Alternatively, you could also have an area that was not a square, and let the screen scroll to follow you. This could be part of the campaign mode, and might be a different way to do nests. (You actually walk deeper in as you go.)

#8 More in-depth RPG element. What you started with Rewards is EXCELLENT, but you could do much more. Some kind of progressive system of equips, stats, or abilities would be awesome. I do however suggest keeping a cap on it, and keeping the bonuses fairly small. (Don't want the game getting too easy even when maxed out.)

Good luck making more amazing games, and I will be waiting impatiently for Amorphous 2.

athour read this it isint hellpfull but please

I have playd internet games for a long time.Every now and then i find one relly good one to play for an hour or 2.But it soon gets boring and i would look thour the dum ones for another mieldly interesting one.Over and over again.But then i playd this game.this game showd me that no matter how boring games gat there will always be a prodegy wating to come and bring light to the darck boring others.I cant spell well and hate typing at 14 years old.It took 3 nhours to finely make an acount and log on.But i will finely get to tell u what i think of this game.I played many games and this is the greatest .Never befor has a game been this good.it dosent have great grathecs but i never care about that.U have been the baest insperaion for me.U made a big difrens in my lifeUhave givin me new hop whith your game.

i know this isint that good and probely not very readebal and u wont read it.but i just hade to say that my thanks is all i want to get out.i thank u andi hope u sucsed in all u attempt.



OMG this is one of the best games on newgrounds!!!!!!!

amorphous+ get it + better!!!!!!!

So addicting.

This game is so addicting and fun I like the awards I played it for 4 hours.


It's one of my favorite (free) internet games!