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Reviews for "Learn to Vote Responsibly"

Just wasn't funny

I'm fine with political humor, but this needed a little bit... more. Maybe some music... Or one or two more jokes.

In any case, it's not up to the president to make health care cheaper. America is a free market, which means we can pick which health care plan is right for us. In places like the UK, it's all government regulated. More people die there everyday, because it's regulated. They don't take care of people who are in a more critical condition first, because they don't let doctors be the deciding factor. And besides, we don't have proper funds to make health care cheaper anyways.. It could very well bankrupt this country.

I don't think it was TOO one sided... but I really do hate Democrats.


you might as well say vote for the communistic democrat policies. ill due fine managing my own money instead of having a huge powerful governemnt reach into my pocket and tell me what i can and cant do with my money. i only gave it a 5 because it was midly funny and im an open enough person to look at it like a retarded liberal would and find the humor. also you obviously put some effort into this.


Meh it was good animation, at least compared to me, but it really wasn't all that funny, or anything special, I didn't think. And not to get political or anything but...are votes don't really count for much of anything ._.


"Well, NewgroundsPsychopath, I'm 14"

Thank God, everyone! Finally, a fourteen year old to share his woefully uninformed, idiotic political opinions with everyone and set everything straight! He's like, totally not a huge embarrassment to everyone who might share his opinion!

"Well, youre obviously a die hard liberal"

Sweet, guys! Kneejerk reactions haven't been popular enough over the past decade. Let's make wild, random assumptions about people's political leanings based off of very little evidence, then dehumanize them for not agreeing with us completely! Yeah! FUCK YEAH!

Anyway, I thought the cartoon was a little shoddy...I didn't really like the animation, and the voice acting for the idiot was a little, well, shitty.

Dear god...

There is no way this deserves 3.61. I don't think it could even pass for a 3.