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Reviews for "How Are You Now?"

As others have said... touching

I happen to speak Chinese (not very well), so this movie meant even more to me.

I used to be quite indifferent toward the Sichuan earthquake in that I simply couldn't feel for the victims since I'm not from China, but I think your work has changed this and it's good to know :)

How are you now?

Very, very touching.

for all the people who say this is a sap story and such, this stuff did happen some Chinease kids went insane because their friends died next tiem tehm while they were being rescued.


I adored it. It was realistic and cute. The storyline and how passive the whole thing was with the animation touched me almost as much as the animation did.
Your audio was superb as well. I was able to focus on the scene and still be touched by it. This means that you chose excellent audio.

I seriously hope you make more such as this because it made me smile.

So cute and so sad

Exelent movie i kind of knew the boy was dead from the begining, simple history but it reches the farest place of your heart.
as we are killing the earth with our polution we shous think it just tri to get rid of us as we were fleas...


Having kept myself up to date on this situation I can't say I'm surprised at the ending. Though it was a very nice touch with the helicopter part. I am appalled by some of the comments here though, particularly this one:

"build huts and get washed away when a storm comes.

Go figure."

6 questions. Do you really think they are still living in huts? Do you not know that was a populated area? Do you think your own city could survive an earthquake registered 8.0 on the hecter scale? Yes China is still corrupt so some of the buildings were not constructed to the required safety standards, but do you know countless schoolchildren were trapped or killed because of the earthquake? Do you think the children are to blame for this? Have you no compassion for other's misfortunes?

By your logic we should apply the same cynicism to those flooded in Iowa, but I doubt you would.