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Reviews for "A Kitty Krew Apology"

oh my...

Needs ALOT of work.

Oh so what.

Even though you make an apology flash, it's still the same thing you guys always do. Then your all gonna end up repeating your mistakes over and over again, so this offers nothing new. And the rap song sucked.

I dont trust you....

But hell this looks pretty solid but I dont trust you. I think this is all a scam but prove it and hell I guess it would work out.

I gave it no stars cuz Im not Really sure if it deserves any stars or not. Also the Rap was ok.

~ Luigi Z

"Heck Na"

Heck na I'm not going to sit here and accept your stupid apology! You guys probably don't even really mean it after all, y'all still are fags. I'll believe it when I start seeing better flashes from y'all.

Damn you, Kitty Krew

sorry but u annoyed me too much fucking times. i dont watch hentai a lot but when i do i want to see hentai not some gay cats from Fvcker Krew.
mjflaherty468+evilreese u are totl handicaps if u think trying to annoy someone is cool. its just fucking lame. ur really stupid,cuzz u not only annoy people but also shower newgrounds with useless garbage i hope u all die very soon or at least get banned from newgrounds. every one of u. so.... Damn u. Go to hell. Of course i voted for: Blam this piece of crap! Just syop being such assholes,okay? i hope so bastards!