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Reviews for "GemCraft"


This is the best game of its kind i have seen in a long time.

Great game!!

This was great but when I defeated the last guy with all those hp (did it on the first cycle too before he got to mybase) internet explorer crashed!!

Was a blast...but after the early levels it was very easy. Just create a bunch of towers around the spawn point and put it on x3 speed...constantly clicking M as you speed through the stages. I never failed a mission with that strategy. I also got gems up to rank 9...the damage, radius and effects all continue to scale very nicely past 7...it is worth boosting higher..especially if you have all your towers centered around the spawn point.

Once you get pure mastery maxed with lvl 7+ towers everything just goes poof. I think I'll play some more and see how high I can get a tower..wonder if I can get 11's or 12s and how strong they will be:)

law abiding hell demons

amazingly enough all of the demonic hell-ditchers stay on the road


Hands down one of the best flash I have ever played

Similar style to" Balloon Invasion" but no complaints because it's good style

Don't change a thing

Perfection in its purest flash form

One Word

Awesome, probably one of the best games ive played yet on Newgrounds. Two thumbs up easily. The leveling up of separate but important skills is key to winning, I havent finished completely yet but im working on it.

The only problem yet ive noticed is that sometimes the faster foes tend to bug the water trenches. They will slow down on the first few but then soon as they get through the one they are on they will begin speeding by again at their normal speed. Its caused me to lose many a level because the water trenches hardly work on them. Other than that awesome dude totally awesome.

DJBootyJuice I just made 4 towers around one spot, wrapped them in water trenches and upgraded them nonstop. I didnt need any 5k mana :P Them in cooperation with some gem bombs took care of everything.