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Reviews for "Awesome Video Games Ep32"

Never watched it all

I know you're trying to be in the fad of the early 1990's, and you have achieved that. But what we're looking for is reviews of games, not a very annoying backstory into playing the game.

Next episode, order a god damn pizza like you would in the 90's, and actually review the game, jesus.


Come on why is everyone giving this a bad review it's actually funny... Oh and nice collection of games xD


I actually watched the entire thing, I liked to bth, however i still share the feelings with most of the NG populous that you simply need to quit with the Nintendo ancient crap no one cares about anymore, its classic yes, but, if you were to make a modern show about modern games you would strike gold trust me on that, making fun of all of the GTA glitches, hell even doing joke reviews on some of the worste new games coming out for all systems. You try hard I'll give you that but your just going in the wrong direction.


I don't know what's wrong with people giving this is a crap score, I liked it. It's a cool idea, and different to newgrounds. It's not completely animated. Good job :] keep up the good work!


I can see that you put in an effort so I gave it a 4, but i feel this belongs far away from the front page. You remind me of that crap they show on basic Canadian tv at 2am. I like many others could not sit through the entire episode.

If you want to improve yourselves try actually coming up with something clever and entertaining. Who knows perhaps I and others could help with jokes cause right now if your planning on running your car off of a laugh O meter your going to be doing a S#@T load of walking.