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Reviews for "Return of Papulatus"

This one really has potential

Wow,you really impressed me this time!And I think you saw that I don't get easily impressed.But this game of yours was really good!The gameplay was the smoothest I saw in all your gamesThe difficulty was almost perfect.The only problem with it was that sometimes Papulatus was stunned for a very long time and I could take up to 10% of his health while he couldn't do anything.The garaphics and sounds are still cons,cause they're ripped off MapleStory.But,all in all,this is avery good game.Good job and keep up the good work!

As I promised in one of my news posts,I will give some hints and tips telling how to beat the game.In the future I will post hints and tips for other games as well.Watch for my reviews if you,re having trouble beating a game.OK,here are the hints.
1.Before starting,buy 600 health pots,400 mana pots and 50 warrior pills.
2.Activate Soul arrow and use a warrior pill.The warrior pill will icrease your damage,so make sure that,whenever one of your warrior pills expires,you use another one to increase your attack again.
3.Jump on the platforms untill you,re at the same level with the time sphere,then keep attacking it with normal attacks untill you kill it.
4.Afer you kill the time sphere,Papulatus will appear.The battle beggins!Make sure you are buffed with soul arrow and warrior pill,then keep using strafe on him.This should stun him for a while.Keep attacking him with strafe untill he attacks you.Use a health pot to heal yourself(or two if he does an attack that leaves with less than 1000 HP).Papulatus also has an annoying debuff skill that cancels soul arrow and warrior pill.Put them back on yourself immediatelly,then continue strafing him.Sometimes,Papulatus will enter his clock device and become stuunned and invincible for around 15 seconds.If he does this while he is too close to you,use the oppurtunity to move away from him to the other corner of the room,then keep strafing him again.Make sure you have warrior pill ecquiped,or he won,t get stunned and he will hunt you with his attacks untill you are out of health pots.Whenever your mana is low,use a mana pot to heal it.Continue like this untill you beat him.
4.After you defeat Papulatus,he will enter his second phase.This one is easy, so don't sweat it.Make sure you heve a warrior pill ecquiped,then wait untill he is on the same level with you,then strafe him.Follow this stratege untill ou beat him.
Well,that's it,if you follow my tips exactly,you shouldn't have any problems beating the game.Good luck to all the players of this game.See ya next time!Bye!

The 5mil thing.

Guys if ur wondering what it's for, click it and change the 1 to 0.1. It's a hack system for the flash game.. lol

The Best!

This is the coolest game i evered played. Keep up the good work. :)


i always did like DrkGodz' games

Wassup lol

Can u do this for me? Plz XD umm Awesome game but can u put in arrow rain and inferno. It would be more fun if u had more skills to use besides hurricane and strafe, Bowmasters are my All-Time Favorite Woooooo! XD Cool Simulaters Thoguh.nice job