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Reviews for "Androkids"

Great Job!!

I have to take it down 2 points though because of a few things... nah I changed my mind I'll make it one.

1. The Confetti Bomb I felt wasn't colorful enough to look like confetti, so maybe if you made the bomb pink with, say, blue-and-green confetti, it might be more kid-friendly.

2. The difficulty "slant" was very nice, in fact I almost want to say perfect except where there is one of the early levels where 3 guards are coming at you at once, I just barely made it out by placing a bomb to make the guards fall then quickly walking over them. If you could re-position the guards in those places that would be nice.

3. This is a lot more minor but as an experienced gamer I was able to easily overcome this but the speed of the guards should be slower to be more kid-friendly, but again this is more minor.

4. I wish I had known before I had played that I could jump with Shift, because the game doesn't mention it at all even though I didn't have a single problem with any of the levels without it; it just would have been a lot easier.

5. I think this may be the biggest OR the smallest problem of them all, but most of the Guards could not climb down ladders and that made it too easy to avoid them; I noticed this particularly on the pirate ship level where the guard went up the ladder, got stuck, but instead of climbing back down just sorta walked in place. Maybe it's only specific guards, because I could have sworn using them before.

6. Now that I notice it, THIS is the most minor one of them all, but I should still mention (although you probably already know) and that is the slanted floors. Maybe they actually were just there for decoration but I could walk through them just as easily as if they weren't there.

Now even with these (holy cow I can't believe there were this many) 6 semi-major issues, you can still see that it only took 1 point off, and I shouldn't even be taking it off, either. But seriously, you did a great job with this game and i want to congratulate you on your effort. There were a LOT of levels it seemed so there was no way kids would get bored (although they may get tired lol). All in all this is probably the best kiddy-platformer of all time and I think any little kid who is just old enough to understand at be somewhat good at this would easily get hooked on video games, so thanks for stealing one more kid from the outdoors (JUST TEASING ^_^)!!!

Summary: It was great, despite few flaws, and it served it's purpose almost better than most other things I've seen, so it deserves a 9/10.


2 easy

Cute :)

Yay! I brake from mindless violence and twists and turns. Just kiddy, innocent fun. For the punks who gave this game as low as a 1/10...wth? Apparently, the point of this website ISN'T to submit ANYTHING YOU WANT. Apparantly, this site is for Adult Swimmers and twisted minds. Apparantly, everyone on this site is a hardened killer and can't be bothered from there busy, BUSY lives too play some innocent fun once in a while. You people disappoint me.

Now for my review (punks):

-Not bad for a baby game, but you should ADD MORE STUFF.
-More of anything really would be nice.
-Special effects, colors, anything that would make kids go :O ---> :D
-Pretty boring, even by kid standards but it gets a point across. Simplistic, yet fun for at least the first few levels, though.
-Yes, the jump button doesn't seem to work.

I see potential, plus punks boosted your score a bit so...

4 OUT OF 5
Not bad. Oh yea, and...

this is my 64th review! (Hooray for me! N64!)

it was okay

but i was a bit too uncomplicated. I see why you said it was for kids now. Maybe if people would realize it was for kids they should have never have played it or been less critical. For kids I give i a 9 but for newgrounds????

Redo the jump button.

I do think that once the "magical elf" stops assisting you her voice should stop saying "go to the door". Fix the jump button and that's about it. - Peace