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Reviews for "Welfare Queens"

brilliant man

A little dry but the animation style fit the projected time period perfectly. COMMUNIST SCUM!!!!!!!


That was kinda funny. Though it had alot of potential. And it wasnt as good as i could have been :( BUT it was still pretty damn good. 8/10, 4/5

PS... You should have been a lot meaner in this :) Because after all, it's ur muny :/

Good piece

I don't necessarily have a problem with helping out people who are down on their luck. However the more comfortable you make it for them to not work, the less inclined they'll be to work. Unemployment compensation right now lasts for a hundred weeks. That's almost TWO YEARS of sitting on your butt and collecting a check instead of looking for a new job. It's appalling the amount of mollycoddling that goes on, and it's going to stay that way. The people who created this system do it to create dependency. The more people that are dependent on the government, the more people will vote for candidates that want to expand government power--to make more people dependent. Higher taxes, more regulations, more social welfare programs (like the healthcare bill...) It has to stop, and we can make it stop. There's an election in the US on Nov 2. VOTE. Get rid of the dead weight that caused this problem and enabled it and get in people who'll fix it.

Your cartoon only shows part of the message, but part is better than none. You, sir, are one of the few examples of intelligent thinkers on the Internet who see the false promises for what they are. Bravo, and keep it up!

Biting satire that most seem to miss.

Most recipients dont just sit on their laurels doing nothing. This flash was a wonderful satire showing just what that money would go to if the program stopped. The problem isnt welfare as a whole but rather the few people who abuse it.

I myself was on foodstamps for all of 3 weeks before I was working again and I was so happy that help was there. If any of you want that kind of help taken away then I sincerely hope you never have a situation leave you broke for you will find no pity in a world without aide programs.

The problem's in execution

Hmm, animation was good, but I feel like you should put more research into your msg. Show us the facts. Also, I would've liked to have heard what YOU wanted us to spend tax money on. Voice sounded like it didn't fit for some reason...

Social security systems are corrupted at the bureaucratic level, which results in a bad image and deserving people being left out to dry.

Although I'm against mandatory charity, welfare IS good and moral. But, in order for it to mean anything, the bureaucracy needs to be overhauled.

Disability and elderly entitlements are understandable, and a very temporary unemployment program, perhaps one which changes length in accordance with our economy could be acceptable.

However, oversight of both the recipients' actions and the bureaucracy which is supposed to watch them is very necessary.