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Reviews for "Merry Valentine's Year"


Yea and they all lived happily ever after except me! I hate Fucken Valentines day! Every1 gets a girlfriend except me!

better than a lot of clock movies

I liked the spoof of the mario twins and using thier castle music. Warrents a decent score for it.

I liked the end

NNot good enough to warrant a 3.25 (!), but I liked the Nintendo throwback part. At least this is original.

DingleberryClock responds:

I should make a longer one, maybe Zelda this time... hmm...


How on earth does this piece of shit have a score of 3.34...this SUCKS!
No, really, it sucks...

DingleberryClock responds:

Yuu aer jewst jelose of teh 1373 skelz hamburgar clokc gaev me to make tihs mastarpease

Thanks for voting, SadToth !

Your vote was worth 5.61 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 0 (you intelligent person), lowering its score to 3.24!

DingleberryClock responds:

I love you too, Mr. intelligent person