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Reviews for "NEW LIFE- English version"


ummmm i luuuuuuuuved the art work but the point wuz difficult srry

a good movie

it was good graphics, but ti was wierd that a MONK HAD A CELLPHONE.
isent the supposed to eat soyabeans and use letters to talk to people long away?
but anyway it was good and dramatic inthe way no one can tell!
10/10= graphics
7/10= storyline
20/20= dramatic!


oh boo hoo poor upper middle class white girl who can afford to go on trips to tibet on a whim has SUCH A HARD LIFE. yeahh, tough times.

you get a three for great graphics. but the storyline was laughable. only a spoiled brat would get down on just losing a job that she never even was there for, much less cared about or actually need.

jesus christ.

Missed the point

The animation/art were great, no one is criticizing that. But there are many basic flaws that need fixing. It's not that I don't understand the symbolism or deeper meaning, because all of the imagery used in this flash is very accessible and easy to get.

When she crashes her car, there's not a tree, pole, other car, wall, or any other object for her to crash into in sight. What did she hit? If it's some sort of metaphorical crash, then you shouldn't have been so literal in your depiction of an actual car crash.

Why is her whole life suddenly crumbling around her just because she lost her job? This doesn't seem like enough merit your view of the whole "everything we do is to survive, like wild animals" theory. We do so many things that are unnecessary for our survival... I don't how it is in Uzbekistan, but in the U.S. our lives are completely inundated with trivial junk. There are many people surviving out there without jobs.

Why, in the introductory section, are we seeing such long, dramatic exposition of the car driving? We understand your skills at animation, but multi-angle glamor shots of the car don't add anything to the story. It seems like an indulgent waste of time.

Why does she ditch her car? Why does this pretty girl in a skirt hitch a ride with a random trucker? Isn't she scared of being raped? Doesn't she read the news? I don't understand how losing a job and wrecking your car against some unseen object is enough to cause a total life change.

I noticed that this was translated in the U.S., and the translation is very good, but you should really translate your Author's Notes as well, because they don't make any sense whatsoever. For example: I don't understand how taking the shoe off represents "dealing with a problem". She didn't fix the shoe, she threw it away. See what I'm getting at? Should I just throw something away when I have a problem with it?

I realize that you're getting some good reviews, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm right about at least some of this stuff. Most people are so desperate to find something with a little meaning that they will accept anything that appears even slightly "meaningful", and they will praise something just for fulfilling this vague need of "meaning"... even if it uses ham-handed, hackneyed metaphors or giant plot holes. "Meaning" in and of itself means nothing without substance and deep thought to back it up.

nice art...

that art was good! i like it colors, line styles, and motion all worked together, but i feel like the fall could have been better i really didn't get the sense that her life fell apart, just had a bad day, shit she just lost her job and her family blew her off, that not really a bid deal.
would like to she more (different) cartoons form you.