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Reviews for "Tactical Assassin 2"

Um... High Scores?

Like most games with high-score boards the high scores for this game are nigh unachievable. I played through and only failed 3 missions (buggy shooting, on the last level i shot the bottles THREE TIMES and they did not break... but they had little black dots on them where i hit....) and i was just under 100,000 points. if i had not failed the three missions then the penalty would have been less, but i still would not have hit 100,000. The high score boards have point values well over 100k. and almost to 200k. Either make it a feasible thing to get on the scoreboards with things like 100% accuracy and never buying anything but ammo (which i did) or leave the scoreboards out!!! That's why i take away 1/2 point. The other 1/2 was because the game was far to short, and i never saw any reason to purchase any gun/scope except the last, best, ones. You prob'ly shouldn't even have them there if no one is going to use them. (if other people use them then please speak up, i'd hate to be giving the wrong impression)

Overall, though, a great game, just like the first! :)

Level 7 -- Disruption

Yes, fantastic game, but i'm stuck on the 7th level. Any help? The guy watching TV keeps moving too fast!


FUCKING PERFECT, the only thing you did wrong, you should have made the stick figures bigger, a real assassin never aims for the head, it fucks up the mark, real assassins aim for the center mass(just like trained snipers), the torso. so other than that, the part with the Barrett model 82A1, made me gun-gasm.(like a nerd-gasm, but not as well, nerdy)


but do we have 2 go to ur site to play ur new progect

Good but short

Good fun game overall, but like many people stated, it's just too short. And if by some chance HeavenCookie reads this, you just wait till the one guy sits back and you shoot through both of their heads at once.