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Reviews for "Platformer Game Maker v6a"

Straight Forward

Not perfect, but I will admit, you've come a long way. First off, the good parts:

1. Enemies
2. Unlimited Space
3. Variables
4. Health
5. Finish Line (Well, door, but same concept)
6. Fully Customable
7. Zoom

Now, to the bad part :( :
1. Lag (Try making something like boxes the have a dotted line, and these boxes load only that section of the map at a time, and in edit mode, show the box you're in and all of the ajecent boxes as well.)
2. Specific Colors (Try a color wheel instead of specific colors)
3. No stats (Try creating some like "jump height", "walking speed", "double jump" (Y/N) "flying" <<< if so, "flying time" and "flying speed". Again, make these sliders not buttons thus making the game more professional like.
4. HUD Problems (Try breaking down the HUD by doing something like having sliders on each side of the screen that once pressed, button that are similar (Like all objects in one slide). Also, try displaying a small box in the bottom left, or right hand corner that comes up, and shows things like, preferences. (You know, like the whole "jump height" stuff listed above.
5. Pen size (Don't shrink it, make the shrinkage adjust able
6. Undo (Some I make a single mark, don't want it, but there's no way to fix it. Make an eraser or something)
7. Enemies (Be able to change their attack power, walking speed, and health for starters. Also make their main greenish color adjustable, or have other kinds of enemies to select from)
8. Power-Ups (Power-Ups are handy, increasing health, refilling health, increase attack, defence, and speed, and maybe even jump height.)
9. Items/Equipment (Make weapons pick-upable)
10.Special Items (Things like Springs, Warp Spots, Locks and Keys, etc.)
11. Environment (Try making something like water that you can swim, and drown in if you swim to long. Also try lava that makes you run across it really fast while your health bar depletes. You could even go for poisonous clouds.)
12. The "premade box" (Yay. It's adjustable, too bad I can't make a tall skinny column. Fix it.)
13. Give the hero more options. (Look into the "Create a hero" Series

Sorry about the nagging, don't go all "Well why don't you do it!!!" I barely have enough motivation to finish the sequel to my first flash... Well, you've done far more than I could do, but it's not the best on Newgrounds... but, it does have the potential to be the best.

Okay, let's see here... 7 Pros, and 9 Cons that bug me, subtract to get -2 add that to ten, and you get an 8! And a 4/5!

BrokenVoice responds:

Wow! Thanks for that huge review. I'll get right on it!
Thanks for the 8/10 and 4/5!

Well done. Still has a few flaws though.

It's been a while since I've seen the latest of these (stopped at version four) and it has gotten quite a bit done to it well.

The only problems: one is that there was slowdown when I played, one is where I could still draw with the mouse while playing (hint: clicking during gameplay should be shooting), the enemies can't flinch/ go backwards, they can't use ranged weapons, and killing them isn't very messy.

Some things I would like to see in the future? Those problems fixed, perhaps ripped sprites from video games (Like Super Mario, Metroid, Sonic, etc, and use their full animations) for use for characters, enemies, platform tiles, etc, more variety of music, and able to save levels.

Apart from that, you can have fun with this game, like making flying levels for the character with wings or making an odd shooting/platforming level for the tank. Kudos to you.

BrokenVoice responds:

If you liked this try v5b, please!

Better and better

I am very proud of the progress you have made with this project and thank you for PMing me when you uplode new ver.

a couple of suggestions I would like to make for the next ver.

~the back ground now that the camera pans (very well btw) see if you can input layers for bg i used the simple red fade bg and because i did there was a great effect when you started throwing in red lines it looked like the terrain was just appearing. could you throw in a few setting bg? ex. city, forest, cave, snow.

also can you give the lines a stamp effect? so if you draw a line it will look like it is leaf coverd ground etc.

I know i ask alot but thats because you have proven over and over that you are capeable of delivering, but is there a way we could "impot" images and flag them as, weapon, main char., baddie, bg.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me I love being some small part of this.

Keep up the good work!!

P.S. dive mechanics and animation would be sweet, and a kill zone tool to create pit falls.

BrokenVoice responds:

Cool ideas there!
I'll see what I can do. I think the leaves on the lines idea is excellent! I'll give that a try first and get on with the rest.


it's a great game but it needs some work thoe

cool but...

for the next ...:more weapons, more drawing options,more characters because every time:the stupid guy whitout body the guy in a tank and the stupid guy but whit wings. is good the game i like it but no have some good things but if you make another version of that game... do it better.