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Reviews for "Skittles N' Dickz"

not that great

It was fine. Way overrated. Nothing good was released on newgrounds today - everything was green and you got daily feature. So that's still not too great.

some parts were meh funny, but most of the time, it was unoriginal, not funny, and just plain stupid. Not the good stupid either.

How do you spend 6 months on a sprite movie? wow no. A week maybe.....I'd understand, maybe 2, but 6 months? no no no...I've seen masterpieces animated in much less time than that. And not with sprites either.

I'll say it again - WTF is up with newgrounds and the freaking cock jokes? Does everyone on newgrounds just love the cock THAT much? Come on...I'll admit sometimes a dick joke is funny, but just a random sprite game character whipping it out and ass raping another guy is in no way funny. Yours weren't funny or original.

Not great animation, stupid jokes, no use of cool sprite FX, just regular character and BG, and any voice acting used was god awful.

3/10 - 2/5

Emanhattan responds:

I dindt spent 6 months making this.

just in case you dont know. I have a school to go. It consumes a lot of time.

you should try it sometime

so you do voice acting? well do some voices for me if youre so good dammit!


The animation wasn't very good (Well, sprites) and it just wasn't funny...Not to be an asshole but not really worthy of frontpage. I've already read your responses and know that it's not the type of animation you'd like to do, not trying to flame you, just wanted to voice my opinion too.

Emanhattan responds:

it feels so weird.

Rather Mediocre.

Not that good, but it's better than 0/10. Keep improving kid.


this was retarded. i didnt even laugh once, its a cheap imitation of skittlez and bits except you like dicks and you have a gay obsession with party boy.

thanks for wasting part of my life.

next time, try to do something original and forget about the dicks.

Emanhattan responds:

chris pontius is A GOD amongst us.
and btw its not an imitation its called a "PA-RO-DY"
and its suposed to be retarded n shit
didnt you go to the "newgrounds movies" course? what do they teach to children these days


Failed attempt to copy Robot Chicken IMO. Only clip I found mildly amusing was the one where mario jumps for the flag and the flag rips. Other than that, I didn't find anything smile-worthy.

Emanhattan responds:

number one: robot chicken stole the idea from amateur hour.
number two: there are many clip shows out there. ¿in what time did robot chicken monopolyzed the "fuzzy screen" thing? that is older than bible.

number three: you are basing the rating of this cartoon on a show instead of judging it on our work or quality.

plz dont be an idiot.