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Reviews for "flipit"

This game is...

too complicated for me but it was fun while it lasted.

I agree with the person below.

This game obviously shows that visual style > game play and originality for most people. Many probably saw the impressive looks and didn't consider how this game is a re-used idea. Good style, but nothing new.

lights out anyone?

At, first, i thought it reminded me of lights out on the game.com..and for some strange reason, i knew exactly how to solve each puzzle.

Then i realized, it wasn't like lights out, it was lights out. You get a 2 for graphics, but all the puzzles are exactly the same as lights out, down to a T. Either you and the designer of lights out think extremely alike, or you copied.

To me, a good game requires originality, not the rehashing of old ideals to people that never saw them in their original form.

2 points for graphics, 1 point for the coding. Had you came right out and said it was a flash version of lights out, i would have commended you for renewing a classic. However making no mention of the classic its obviously based off of makes it theft of ideals.


26 was my favorite, I really enjoyed the checkered algorithm. Other levels like 29 pretty much mirrored the same sequences as previous ones which was somewhat disappointing, but 30 was really frustrating to solve. This was a great remake of Lights Out. Kudos.

What's with the difficulty curve?

Looks nice, but what's with that difficulty curve? Levels 1-9 take maybe five seconds each to solve, then BAM! Level 10 might as well be impossible. I can't believe there's actually 30 levels to this thing. Hope you didn't spend much time on this game, because hardly anyone is going to see the last 2/3rds of it.