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Reviews for "Mad Vlad II: Revamped"


when u die every thing that was used to hurt u in the turn befor stay but the wall glitch came in handy and the werwolf thing got me mad he would not die i hit him like a biliion time gaames glitvh and his helth drops to zero but this game isnt so fun ether the guy that said this was brilliant needs help this was fun but needs improvement

not so good.

this game just isn't fun at all. the boss fight was fun and being able to talk to people is pretty cool but the gameplay just sucks. your telling me that Vlad just got two daggers but he can't use them so he decides just to spin around? there could've been a reason why he didn't use the knives but why bother putting that in and just have him use the knives? the graphics and the sound as well as the animation are all good and there are some funny moments but the gameplay just isn't good. but its not just the gameplay, Vlad was just mumbling and mumbling and I found that kind of annoying.


I'll just make a list.

* Don't show the entire "walking" animation every time the menu loads, just the first time. It gets VERY old if you're searching through the menu options.
* Don't allow the ability to click menu options until the whole menu has loaded up.
* It's easy to get stuck on the left side of objects. The player can be freed, but it takes a jump, attack, and directional button to do it. This was extremely annoying in normal situations, but downright stupid in the sniper level, as the player could not see where he was going.
* Falling does not kill the player, but requires 2 attacks in a row in order to get killed.
* Maybe it's just me, but having a mochiads ad at the beginning, followed by 2 more ads kinda pissed me off. Use the brainflay and newgrounds ads while you're loading.
* The moaning or mumbling or whatever in the background got super annoying.
* Two words... SPELL CHECK. You had TONS of spelling errors in the library books; seriously, just ask me, I will gladly proofread for you. I freely offer this service to anyone seeking to make any movie or game.
* Add the ability to scroll the map. It's kind of annoying to have to piggy-back stages just so you can get the map to scroll.

Can be improved

The game would be greatly improved if you fixed same of the bugs, such as the one that when you fell of a tree (in my case) you end up floating at the bottom of the map or the "machines" that, when on them, moves you to a destination never though you off.

its okay

its okay but gets boring at times