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Reviews for "4 Swords Misadventures 5"

nice story but...

theres too many toons wid dbz theme...great story but once you see a dbz theme in one plus 6 other toons it gets old.....givin 510 cant there be a new theme thunk of here??no offense but too much dbz parodies much respect.

VicHD responds:

That I know and I'm aware of. Sometimes old jokes die hard. Besdes, I prefer DBZ over Naruto any day (no offense guys).

It was alright...

Kinda slow moving. The only part I liked was the Emo Red part, but the rest kinda made me fall asleep. Perhaps make it a bit more interesting next time... may I recommend breaking the fourth wall or cultural references? These will make your animations more interesting.

Pretty ho-hum...

Meh; the production values for the visuals were okay, game sprites notwithstanding, but the script suffered from the same problem that shows up with most amateur filmmakers and screenwriters: the kitchen sink. It isn't uncommon; the writer can't bear to cut anything from the script they've been working on for ages, and they figure that hell, more is better, so they just go ahead and include everything they've written, often leaving the end result bloated, rambling, and ultimately pretty damn unfunny.

The scenes in this animation just dragged on, and the dialogue would have benefited considerably from being cut down and tightened up; the characters took three or four times as long as they should have to get to the punchlines (such as they were), like somebody butchering a well-known joke by forgetting how it goes halfway through telling it. In most scenes the characters were still spouting banal, humourless dialogue long after they should have moved on. Seriously, nearly sixteen minutes long, and the only parts that approached comedy (and I use that term loosely) were an 8-Bit Theater ripoff/homage and a running gag about "cock boys"? Ugh.

In conclusion - after the harshness - my suggestion to help improve your work would be, somewhat ironically, to put less into the next one - focus on quality over quantity. ^_^

You do get a point for using the theme music from the Tintin cartoon as the dramatic call-to-action music, though. ^_^

VicHD responds:

Yes, I'm aware that the episode dragged a bit too long this time around. The reason for this were the little complaints for episode 4 saying that it was "too short". Now someone else comes out and says that this one is too long. Seriously, most users can't really make up their minds over what the want to see.

I made it this one longer thinking "more is better", I guess sometimes it's not always the case. I wanted to cram a lot of stuff in this one just to keep people distracted long enough so I can work on the next parts, without others asking for it so soon.

And about the cock jokes, I already had my fun with it, so I'm not going to continue dragging it. I'll find something else. I have other ideas that'll be put to good use in the following episodes. I'll even reintroduce another clip of the Tintin theme (To return to the scene where we left off).

Once I finish this story arc project I'll work on slightly shorter episodes.
Thanks for taking your time in writing your review.

i won't load

idk why but it stops loading for me at about 3/8.


Not enough action... got so boring, but at least link talks in these.. but still woulda been nice if it actually had some fight in it ya know.. at least alot more -,-