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Reviews for "Stupid Airlines"

pretty good

10 for effort (it is easy to tell how much work was put into this)
7 for humor
2 for overall animation
6 for music/voice sync

and everything else about 6. by using MS calculator, that gives you a....6.25.....so i will be a dick and NOT round it up!. 6

JoL responds:

MS CALCULATOR? Go back to your spreadsheets, you non-art loving Apple hating businessman.

And you were supposed to multiply, not add :D

Pretty good!

I enjoyed watching this, but the animation was choppy. Also, subtitles would help because sometimes I couldn't understand what they were saying. But most of the time it was quite easy to hear what they are saying. Take some more pictures next time when you make an animation to make it smoother and the score will definitely go up. :]

JoL responds:

Haha, taking more pictures would not have made it smoother. It actually just makes it REALLY shaky. I had to turn down the framerate a lot so it would look tolerable.

Just Why?

Wow, it makes me hate myself in ways I thought I never Could.

JoL responds:

As long as it doesn't make you hate me in ways that I never thought you could


It was a bit funny but you cant understand what they are saying

Alright but it could be better...

look, awsome script....love it, but the animation is lacluster. practice practice practice, and keep up with the funny.
also, to all you othere guys. who blammed....WTF?!?!?!?!
what do you mean "you barely can tell wtf their saying..." it was clear as friggin daylight, sure it could be better, but nobodys perfect.