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Reviews for "Stupid Airlines"


its a cloud!! ahhh lol funny i liked it


mouth is on the floor! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

JoL responds:

Haha, I noticed that when I was halfway done filming :D

0-o wow that was awful

Your clay figures earn a 3/10, your jokes earns -1/10 and the fact that they're mumbling -1/10, next time speak clearly, have better jokes.On the other hand your figure movement and facial expressions are great but the downpoint of them is the fact they look like candy floss -_-

JoL responds:

I ran out of clay and had to use candy floss as a substitute. You're really insightful to have noticed.

Good for a laugh

I'm not sure if you intended for the lip-sync not to exist, but other than that, it was fun to watch. The use of the puppets and the toy plane added to the weirdness in a good way. Well done.

JoL responds:

Yeah, I changed a couple of the lines after production, so the dubbing might be a little off.

Not bad

ok the animating its self wasnt to bad, in fact it reminded me of knox when he first started, if your goin to make a habbit of doing more claymations then you need to get your voice acting alot better, turn the volume on your micropone down so you can speak louder, trust me you acting skills will get better,

next is your story line, you had the right idea but if your going to do comady you got to think long and hard is this going to make people laugh, airplane movies with some one pretendng to be a terroist is a very touch and go subject, some people may take great offence to those 2 combintations,

keep up the good animating please take my advise and i look forward to seeing another animation.

P.S Callthecorner this is good advise what you just said was mean and utter rubbish, the reason some animators you may think is "Crap" get the front page is because tom see potenshal and leaves good healthy critisism to us as veiwers, claymation isnt easy and its harder to find a good story line to go with them as you only got your bedroom or where ever to film it.