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Reviews for "Adolf Hitler:CAI493+D 233"

Boo this flash

I was about to give this a 1, when I realized there was nothing to give it a 1 for. The only kind of animation besides porygon evolving, (which was garbage) was a picture of hitler with shitty added on peak n flippers. Not to mention the music which no one undertood, (unless you happen to speak that language, forgive my ingnorance for not knowing). Which is extremely unlikely.

Perhaps you can put your flash in some sort of direction, even in the direction that doesnt make any sense would have been fine.

This however you created and just threw into newgrounds.

This probably took you all of 3 minutes. 1:30s to get the pitures, 30s to make the animation, 1min to sumbit.

Try harder next time

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Sounds like you missed the intro.


It took that many people to make this? Holy cow. Please put more effort into these animations, and include an actually story line. I think this is just an excuse to have a flash in the portal. I would highly suggest a better storyline. In the little animation I actually saw, you have potential. this aint gonna cut it any more, stop submitting Adolf Hitler: blah blah blah whatever.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

There is a storyline. Adolf Hitler is trying to complete his Pokédex.

These don't exist just to have flashes in the portal, they exist because people demanded that they exist.

I'm not going to stop submitting these just because you don't like them. You're far from anyone special.

*Gasp* Its time!

The new shipment of Porygon ver.2 has arrived at its destination on Moatoob from Parum and it appears Photon Master Hitler is here to inspect the merchendise for faults, a lot of Rouges often try to hijack these cargo trains you see, so they can steal the G.R.M. Porygons and trade them illegally for high prices in places criminally undrground run such as Casino Voloyal.
Its cirtenly a good thing Adolf decided to request the Guardians assist on this mission, and the new Porygons looks great!

But why may I ask, did you mistake Moatoob for Mars? Thats not Mars, everyone knows Mars is Futeristic Manhatten! Next time at least try to get a picture of Brooklin and mess the colours around? Human sized pigs as greasy langlords and little Martian kids running around trading Poke'mon Cards in the snow, this is what Mars is really like!
(And I should add Sandshrew is highly popular on Mars while Pikachu is clearly Earth's favorite!) =)

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:


It was ok

I know its funny that hitler looks hilariously funny but i was wondering if people could let this video live it would be funny to look back on

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

This has passed. :)


I thought this series had stopped. And Porygon doesn't evolve! Why would a tyrant be the first person to stand on Mars. This series is crap, I'm sorry. So many people either hate this or pretend to like this. Don't you people have brains!? Why can't you do something a little less annoying? So many questions...

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Why would I have stopped making these just because you don't like them? :/

Porygon does evolve. It evolves into Porygon2, which evolves into Porygon-Z. If you'd bothered to watch this flash you'd have seen this to be the case.

He was the first man on Mars because he wanted to train his Porygon there and no-one else had travelled to Mars before.

Why do you think this series is crap?

Some people actually like these. You have to learn that not everybody has the same opinion as you about everything.

Don't insult people in reviews.

You can find the review guidelines here - http://www.newgrounds.com/lit/faq

I suggest you read them.