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Reviews for "WhiteboardWar: ChopRaider"

Very entertaining

The premise reminds me of Sketchfighter and Choplifter. Anyway, this game kept me playing for a long time. I loved the helicopter/mothership dynamic. What I didn't like were the time limits. In some levels, making the time limits seemed impossible, especially because you're at the mercy of how far away the carrier is. I mean, it's to the point where suiciding gets you more points. I would make the carrier try to follow you, or else give some control over where it goes. Also, how about selecting different aircraft? For instance, a jet fighter that's faster but can't hover in place, and/or a bomber that's slower but has a bigger payload. Guided missiles and/or self-aiming 'point defense' turrets for your craft would have been nice, too.

Great Game

I like the style that was used for this game. It was simple, yet it was not badly drawn and it gave a good feel to the game. Not only was the style good, but the game play itself was good too. This is definitely a great game.
One thing I would have liked to have seen was maybe a missile to take the other airplanes or bombers faster. Also, the respawn on the turrets seemed a little too fast as i would often be coming back to many of the turrets back up after resupplying or dropping off PoWs. Also, at first the game does seem to be a little too easy, but you definitely make it harder as you get to the later levels.

VERY fun

the only thing i dont like is that its alot of white. it just hurts my eyes after so much puter time. the game is awesome tho. its so fun... in fact, im going to favorite it just so i remember to play it some more in week or so, if not tommorow lol. its excatly what i look for when i visit newgrounds, comedy and the occasional highly enjoyable flash game

GOOD JOB 9/10 and a big fat 5 for j00


A simple and entertaining game! Great controls, good sound effects and lots of levels to chose froma s well. Only thing that could be better would be the graphics, but it's still entertaining to play as it is now, keep it going!


Almost perfect

maybe you should update it with
1. more missions
2. upgrade system
3. skirmish
4. a map editor