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Reviews for "Adolf Hitler:CAI493+D 224"

What? REMORAID is evolving!

And Hitler's Remoraid evolved into Octillery, yay. For this episode, Octillery Hitler is great. I really like that big nose of his (kinda makes him look like Pinnochio with a red nose, lol). The tentacles coming out of Hitler's ass do look pretty cool. And the music, when you told me I would despise the song, I was very afraid of what I was going to hear, but I have to admit, the song wasn't terrible as I expected it to be. I just see it as yet another J-Pop song.

Overall, great flash and I can't wait until tomorrow's episode with Deliberd tomorrow. :)


AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

I am astonished.


I got worried after you took a day off(or was it only my imagination?)
Hitler needs to start catching the big guns. Only by doing that can he become a true pokemon master(If he is aiming for that besides catching them all)

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

I believe I was out until early hours of the morning one day around the time this was submitted, so I ended up submitting it pretty late. You probably missed it.


And here we are with "DAY-224" always finding some new and random pokemon this song was almost sounding a bit christmas or hiliday themed, but anyways this one could also use more content for sure and a tad more animation aswell, anyways another nice film in the books.

this one could also use more content for sure and a tad more animation aswell


007 Octopussy

Again how is it that Hitler can stay underwater for so long... without geting his uniform wet! Pfft Nazi's they think their so cool with their waterproof uniforms, at least the navy doesn't ban gameboys, good ol' US, not UK they suck, all they have is Playstation 3 for the Army and Xbox 360 for the Military, but the US wow... They can trade poke'mon inbetween dorms, how cool is that!? =D

(p.s. whens Celebi being released because I don't want to miss that, I mean what time not date, because I worry if I miss this I may not get another chance to make an ass of myself!) <=(

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

I have no idea how busy my day will be or if indeed I will be at home in about 3 and a half weeks time.


That confused me what the heck was that? Interesting....... I can't say it was bad but wasn't..... IDK.... "interesting"?

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Adolf Hitler:CAI493+D 224