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Reviews for "Mysteryville"

A waste of time and bandwidth...

I'm going to hark back to the old Newgrounds system of having sub ratings (graphics, sound, humor, etc..)...

Now, this game is just TERRIBLE, all you do is click on barely visible things for no apparent reason. I mean, point-and-click adventures are all well and good, but not if I have to resort to TAB cheating because the items you're supposed to find are damn-near invisible!

Graphics: 4/10 (Poor). The pictures, whilst decent in quality, often barely resemble what they are apparently supposed to be and often don't really look right they way they've been placed into the scene (the lipstick on the first screen looks downright strange the way it's sitting on the shelf). The characters are somewhat creepy looking...

Style: 3/10 (Very Poor): The scenes at least have a tiny bit of charm and character to them, but this charm is pretty much lost due to the clutteredness of it (point-'n'-click needn't be cluttered like this) and the poor, virtually thoughtless way this game was put together...

Sound: 1/10 (Terrible). Both the (extremely limited) sound effects and the (ridiculously repetitive) music are terribly tinny sounding. The music is just painful to listen to and distracts you from concentrating on the screen and trying to find what you're supposed to be looking for. The whole game sounds absolutely horrible...

Violence: 0/10 (none): None to speak of... Good thing to as it would probably have only made this game worse...

Gameplay: 0/10 (Awful): The most important aspect for ANY game is the gameplay, and this is where this game truly fails. "Epic fail" I believe would be the apt term... It's just not any fun trying to suss dice out of skeleton eye sockets and bananas out of lamp stands of nearly the same colour... Point-'n'-click is fine, but there needs to be a least some logic to it (as in, "Maybe there's a clue under here..."), instead of just ("If I squint REALLY hard...")...

Humor: 1/10 (very little): The reasons some of the people give for making you look for stuff are slightly humorous, but they really aren't that funny, and come off more as a healthy dose of "What the fuck?"

Overall: 0/10 (awful): If this game has a saving grace, it's in the somewhat decent pictures and character models (which are mostly ruined by how creepy they are). However, this cannot gloss over the game's awful, almost non-existent gameplay, it's shitty sound and, most importantly, it's COMPLETE AND UTTER LACK OF FUN!!! What good is a game like this?

I'm trying to think of ways this game could improve, but I honestly can't think of anything short of a complete rethink of this game's core mechanics...

I personally would REALLY like to know how this piece of shit got on the front page. Newgrounds really seems to have dropped the ball lately... I mean, most of the shit you SHOULD find on the front page is PREDICTABLE shit (like Retarded Animal Babies), but how did THIS get on the front page? Someone, PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!!!

Either way, save yourself the time and DON'T play this game...

i hat this

id wish they stop puttingstuf like this on here if it aint a ful vesion don't submit it and especialy not if u have to purchase it this is really starting to get on my nerves


Wow!!! Mysterville, how original! Gosh, no more coffe? Geewhiz! WHAT A MYSTERY! Drinking wine in the morning? SWEET! (yes I'm being sarcastic). This totally lacks any remotely interesting concept, it made me feel like a kindergarten kid.

These looked more like red wine bottles.

Download the game? how about you just put the complete version here *sigh*.