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Reviews for "Tower Panic!"

Good game

I like the game a lot but the cauldrons are to small and i can't clik on them. I will click on one for 5 times before it drops and by then the wall is covered in ninja. That is the only problem that i have so far, but this is a very good game.

Some problems

The game didn't work with Safari, and I was unable to activate the cauldrons. Also, the screen was much too large for proper viewing on my Mac.
Also, was there a way to restart after you had lost? If there was, I couldn't see it due to the overreaching size of the screen.
Other than those problems, this seems like it would be an interesting, fun game.
So, taking into consideration that there are problems with the size, and the fact that I couldn't actually play the game, I'll give this a 5/10. You get points for the concept, and my presumption of how the game WOULD play.

Frederik77 responds:

Thanks, that's generous - giving points for how the game would play :-)
Thanks also for the mac test, it's strange that the game works well in Safari under windows, but I guess I'll have an extra look at the code to see if I'm doing anything unorthodox with the cauldron functions that could cause it.

Could do better

Same cauldrons is no fun, if you made different weapons, a shop to buy the new upgrades and stuff, Different Enemies is also a good idea, perhaps you should of made a level system with all the bonuses gold you get from the enemies you kill and spend those on new items in the shop.

Frederik77 responds:

Yeah, different weapons and enemies, and a shop are good ideas. Maybe sometime in the future I'll extend it like that. Thanks for the suggesions!

It could be fun...

... but it didn't seem to work properly with my mac running os x 10.4 and using Safari. You can click all day on the cauldrons and nothing happens while ninjas climb up and take the flag.

I also accidently discovered that if you right click and select play, it ends the level and gives you full points for that level and then goes to the next level. You can keep doing that and get a high score as well.

The screen size should also be downsized for easier viewing.

I wish it worked for me, it looks like it's fun!

Frederik77 responds:

Thanks, I've fixed the right-click thing in the latest version on my website (see link above), although not in the newgrounds version.

I'm on the clicking problem in safari, although it's a bit hard to debug since it seems to work on other platforms - but i'll google and see if i can find something about this cross-platform inconsistency with flash.


Altid dejligt at se danskere på NG.
Med hensyn til spillet: Det er temmelig kedeligt og bliver ensformigt meget hurtigt. Kunne bruge power-ups og flere forskellige fjender. F.eks. en fjende hvor man skal bruge et andet våben, en kanon eller noget lignende.

Always nice to see danes on NG.
Regarding the game: It is pretty boring and gets repetetive very quick. It could use power-ups and more different types og enemies. E.g. an enemy where you have to use another weapon, such as a cannon.

Frederik77 responds:

Klart, ikke så tit man ser danskere her :) Angående bosses - det var egentlig meningen man skulle have haft en ballista til at skyde efter drager med, men det blev lidt for distraherende i forhold til det egentlige gameplay og var ikke nok til at udgøre et egentligt boss fight - men det kunne det måske blive, hvis jeg arbejdede lidt længere med det. Tak for forslagene.

Sure, I don't see Danes here very often :) About bosses - I actually intended the player to have a ballista to shoot the dragons, but it turned out to distract too much from the basic gameplay, and it didn't quite make for an actual boss fight - but maybe it could, if I put more effort in it. Thanks for the suggestions!