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Reviews for "Filtered Reality"


This dream seems so familar, whoa akward...

TheMillz responds:

Theres an idea that people's thoughts are already existing in the air all around us. Even now, right in front of your face, these thoughts, this "mind" exist, and when we sleep, our brains act as antenas, picking up this mind. That's why I believe different cultures of people ( Myans, chinease, Native American, African ) All never met each other in the old times, but still had the ideas of God or Gods, because the idea was floating around them at the same time. Just a theory, but mabey that's why our dreams are similar.


im gonna give it a try

ok so i read everyone ells es reviews about the dream and all
and I'm just really bored so i decided to write my interpretation of what it might mean

so with the trees being of little concentration in the dream they are more to put emphasis on the path
the volleyball nets might resemble less of volleyball and more of what nets typically do which is catch
you seem to be running from being caught
the bend in the road might resemble a change in direction and how your leading you life
the road finally leading to something means that eventually you will find some sort of sanctuary in which you can feal safe from being caught

but what the hell do i know man
I'm like 15
go see a therapist if it bothers you that much
or an native American medicine man cause of the totem poll


I thought your dream was pretty intense, and full of questionable answers. I thought your interpretation of seeing your self in third person was dead on because thats usually how I see myself in dreams too. I had a dream I was flying once and I woke up wishing to fall back asleep quickly so that I could dream more of it but it never came back. So then I came to the conclusion that I should find out it's meaning over the web. I would type in the link but then I would get in trouble, so lets just say I typed out something like "meaning of dreams" on a particular search place that rhymes with doodle. I hope you find the meaning to your question as I did for myself

This is obviously amazing.

You got me to review something, not just vote.
I'll only even vote if I think it's decent.
I'm just lazy....

As for the meaning, here goes.
1) It's just a freakin' weird dream. You're putting much too much thought into this. I once had a dream about pokemon and Shark Tale, but what does THAT mean? XD

2) It could just be a very vague form of the sixth sense - like one time, I had this dream where I was battling my friend. In a very weird setting, but still. A couple months later, we moved... just seemed oddly coincidental to me.

3) I'd thought of this before reading other reviews, but... you must have heard this hundreds of times.

Volleyball nets: some weird form of fear. Could perhaps be a mental return to your childhood. Gym class? Tried out for a volleyball team? Ionno. Perhaps, it could just be a freakishly weird form of randomness. (Random association you've made with volleyball?)

Path/Trees: The feeling of endlessness of your life you'd described fits this perfectly. Trees can be quite ominous and cast a shadow over you, both literally and figuratively. Got any problems facing you? Because the monotony and menace of the path seems to fit most depression conditions.

Safe Place: I... have no idea. Some sort of dilapidated safe haven, I suppose... really can't help you much there. Ever had a tornado or something in youth? Because houses ripping in half happens sometimes.

Third-Person-ness: happens to a LOT of people in dreams. Don't worry, this is normal... as normal as dreams can get, of course.

Your representation: as for the running, I'm sure you're trying to escape from some sort of problem. You may have been restless in your dream, and perhaps flailing around-this is probably what led you to wake up. You threw the covers off or something, or just got really hot. Also, the white-figure-ness that you thought of X-Files for... ehehe, maybe your brain associated the fear with X-Files.

Overall: This is what you must have heard thousands of times. You're running from some sort of problem represented by the volleyball nets, on a seemingly endless path to a safe haven that's ... safe. from volleyball nets.

[NOTE: I like responses. :'D]


the one thats has to anwser the dream is you not the millions of unknown people on newgrounds. Anyway nice work