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Reviews for "Filtered Reality"


Well, if that is a recurring dream then you should look at your life and see if you can put any meanings to the things in the dream since recurring dreams usually describe your life.

I probably have about 2 or 3 recurring dreams that I see perhaps once every two or three years since I was 10 (19 now :P) Mine are very complicated however and try as I might I never remember them until I seeing them again. Also whenever they occur again some parts are left out and new parts are added in probably to go along with the changes that have occurred in the past 2-3 years. They always involve some sort of whacked out quest-plot thingy. They always have a bunch of female characters. They always have a dark tone. However, I still like them. I remember when I remember one for a couple of minutes after waking up and I could point to everything in the dream that could match up with my life, then I forgot everything. Oh well, I still think that this is a pretty simplistic dream. You could probably assign meaning to this yourself, you don't need our help, but you most likely want to make a flash more than get an explanation for the dream.


Intresting dream, you mentioned in the dream you want change but maybe you find that you fear the change in some way, like it will change the person who you are. Maybe the white person is a representation of you trying to find change but areas in life get in way

Or you could of just had a long day equaling strange dreamslol, great work looking forward to seeing more.

Hmm...*wracks brains*

The darkness and the trees are your surrounds, pretty much what should be there, and also showing the vast unknown that you will never see. Something as small as a the neighbour's house you'll never visit to, or as big as that country you'll never travel through.

The path is your life, you're set to follow it, and maybe, just maybe, you'll eventually find another person upon that path. If you find another person, a new person, maybe a woman or a friend, the dream should be telling you something about them, friend or foe, or maybe a life decision opportunity.

Those nets, I believe, are obstacles set out to frighten you into not trying. You'll feel the pain as you go, heh, that's life for you, but don't ever slow or stop. The nets will fall, as you show them you're not afraid to keep going and wish to continue. But, if you stop, what was once a net may become a wall of bricks.

The little shanty is your temporary stop, a small place to rest, before you continue on your way. It's only there as a pause, a small sanctuary to avoid the nets. Avoid temptation to stay, or to make it into a better place, that's not your place.

And the cliff, hmm..The cliff, I believe, is a way for the dream to give you a rough look of what's ahead. Watch that cliff, look out and see if you can define what else lays out from the trees. Maybe you'll find something else to show you the way.

That's all I believe I can tell you for now. Ciou.



I would have to agree wish IrishWolfe on this. It seems that somthing in your life is trapping you. What it is, is hard to tell. Most people don't want to recognize the fact that there might be soethign hindering there abilities. But I suggest you look into it. I get dreams all the time. Always in third person. I know what its like ot be completly lost in such a strange place, yet so close to home. Your mind can be a trivial place. An important issue is color. If the dream was in color, like the flash describing it, then it could be very important to an evaluation. The dominant color is usually the one that means the most and the least scene color is the same. Look into it. See if you remember any colors more often then others. And see if there was a color you saw only once.


but like the others were sayin about what it means....i has no meaning other then the fact that you sleep to much and your mind is getting bored!