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Reviews for "Ani-mraw-morph"


10/10 5/5 Great job!

really cool!

nicely done, really cool!

it was awesome

the drawings and the frame by frame pages were great
the transitions were smooth and i loved it :D

btw, was the message about global warming? or like pollution / recycling?
just wondering if i was anywhere near it

mraw responds:

congratulations! you are officially the first person EVER to semi-understand this animation :D Its got things to do with time/evoulution aswell (sort of) , ill spare you the arty farty talk, my art teachers love that sort of stuff y'see
cheers for the review

i just want to max out the words posible


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Pankake Day

by howli
Date Submitted

02/24/2008 | 08:30AM EST
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Movie | 4.4 MB

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Current Score

4.19 / 5.00

Score Rank: n/a
Popularity Rank: n/a

685 votes | 3,692 views

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Blam this piece of crap!

This makes poop look good.

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Not bad. In fact... I like it!

This Flash is crunk, fo' shizzle!

Woot!!! All my 5 R belong to this!


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*i can now die happy, i got a frontpage :D, hehe thankyou!!*

I made this for my artwork in college, my title was "morphing"
It has a plot/message though i suspect its quite hard to find :)
All of this animation was done frame by frame on seperate peices of paper, i used around 1000 pieces of paper overall. enjoy :D
My mate howli made the song, check it out
I made this in istopmotion
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The people have spoken

Average Score: 9.5 / 10
Score: 10

by: Havocprime
date: 37 minutes ago

I loved the animation, I thought the Frame-by-frame was done very well, The camera was perfectly stationary and the lighting worked through the entire film.
I do agree with what has been said below me, Great animations don't need Nudity or stick figures.
Thanks to Howli for the great peice of music that fit the animation perfectly, and Thanks to you Mraw for this fantastic animation that Lightened my day.


4.19 / 5.00

Score Rank: n/a
Popularity Rank: n/a

685 votes | 3,692 views

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Blam this piece of crap!

This makes poop look good.

Nothing too new or interesting.

Not bad. In fact... I like it!

This Flash is crunk, fo' shizzle!

Woot!!! All my 5 R belong to this!


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Author Comments

*i can now die happy, i got a frontpage :D, hehe thankyou!!*

I made this for my artwork in college, my title was "morphing"
It has a plot/message though i suspect its quite hard to find :)
All of this animation was done frame by frame on seperate peices of paper, i used around 1000 pieces of paper overall. enjoy :D
My mate howli made the song, check it out
I made this in istop

mraw responds:

you missed out the "motion"on the end...
cheers for the 10 though :D


I loved the animation, I thought the Frame-by-frame was done very well, The camera was perfectly stationary and the lighting worked through the entire film.
I do agree with what has been said below me, Great animations don't need Nudity or stick figures.
Thanks to Howli for the great peice of music that fit the animation perfectly, and Thanks to you Mraw for this fantastic animation that Lightened my day.
