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Reviews for "-Jmtb02 Snake-"


It was great, It ran smoothely and had that interesting 'unlockable' feature.
I liked the snake and the mouse-movement, I didn't like the fact that there were no monsters, or well things to make you 'lose' or die.
But cool game, Keep it up :)

Jindo responds:

I'm sure you'll like my next game ;D, the character has a similar movement to the snake, just not so much lag, much more original concept, and tons of enemies to add some sort of challenge to the game ;).

Thanks for playing, and happy jmtb02 to you :)!

Nice, simple game

Not the greatest game, nor the funnest. But it is still a nice, relaxing (slightly modified) game of Snake. Keep up the good work! Maybe someday someone will make a Jindo Snake!

Oh, and hai from Kongregate, 'tis Malachi here. Now get back there and slave over avatar requests!

Jindo responds:

Thanks for the review ;D.

It's my lunch break, I get some time to myself, away from the avatars D:!


after playing once it doesnt work the second time

Jindo responds:

Yeah, it's a glitch, I'll see if I can fix it soon.

Thanks for playing.

Splash logo

If this is just a tribute, you shouldn't put jmtb02's splash logo on your submission; it makes it look like you're submitting something he's done. The game definitely could be better, with better Unlockable detection, maybe some enemies (right now, it's impossible to lose, you just move the mouse as quick as you can), different levels maybe. A good start to something, but not great.

Jindo responds:

Believe it or not, I made the splash logo on this game, jmtb02's is animated, mine just fades, I wouldn't go and steal anything of his just for a tribute ;(.

It is indeed impossible to lose, like most of my games, the objective is to achieve the highest score possible, not to avoid all enemies ;D.

But like I said to a previous reviewer, my next big game will have plenty of enemies to dodge, so keep a look out for that ;).

It was okay.

It was alright, but kind of weird. It took me a while to draw the picture, and when I did it correctly, it didn't let me play. I dunno. But it was kind of fun. Not very addictive, though. The graphics are okay, but I'd suggest working on making the gameplay a little better. Nice job anyways. :)

Jindo responds:

Like my last submission, I wasn't trying to make anything special D;, so there are probably a few glitches that I didn't fix, like not being able to replay ;(.

Thanks for playing and reviewing though :).