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Reviews for "ScientLOLojyuuichi!!"


It was funny but... what is the actual story i dont get it.

LULZunlimited responds:

Google search for "Chanology".

Interesting, i guess?

The animation / style / music was all good. I even spotted some celebrities and suchs in this flash. How ever, i did not quite find the idea (message?) of this flash.

I am not that much into politics either, so if this was it - i guess its ok. Figures, try to make a review when you dont got the idea about the flash mentioned before, hah. Oh well, i did my fare for newgrounds community - i guess. (LOL?).

we are anonymous

I am a supporter of Anonymous and we must take down scientology.


First it was a meh-ish parody of the classic Hyakugojyuuichi, which most of these reviewers have, tragically, probably never even seen. Then it turned into a bad matrix parody... I thought we were finished with those way back in the age of Legendary Frog. And then it just had a stupid "twist" ending.

I'm pretty sure you've totally misunderstood the Church, Anonymous, and why they're at war. I'm sorry, but get your info straight and make something a little (or a lot!) more original. If I didn't know better, I'd say you've only seen the Fox News report and the Anonymous response. If that's the case, you've missed the big picture all together.

LULZunlimited responds:

You missed the point. I was making fun of the propaganda that both sides have been spreading around. Cut the "OH I'M SPECIAL BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT THIS IS A PARODY OF AND I AM ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE AND NOT JUMPING ON ANY BANDWAGONS OH OH LOOK AT ME" crap and laugh along with everyone else, ya wannabe-rebel. :rolleyes:

it was funny

but u stole that song and re wrote the lyrics,the original song is hyakugojyuuichi by lemon demon... that also explains where u got the jyuuichi part of that title

LULZunlimited responds:

Wrong again. The original song, as explained plainly in the ending credits - if you got that far - is called "Hyakugojyuuichi" and is from the popular Japanese TV show "Pokemon". Its Lemon Demon connection is through the animation phenomenon called "animutation", because Lemon Demon's founder, Neil Cicierega, "stole" the song and used it in his own animation which was of a similar style to the animated intro of ScientLOLojyuuichi. Lemon Demon also "stole" the song again and remixed it into a rap, which was also animated.

Do your research before pretending to be all superior and offended by "theft".

------ UPDATE!!! -----

Guess what, guys. Hablaman sent me a message!!! Whether it was his intention to bait me into posting it or not, I don't know, but it's really funny. He also blocked me after sending the message, so I shall report him to the site admins. But anyway, here's his message, and my would-have-been reply! :D

At 3/27/08 11:00 PM, hablaman wrote:

ok asshole, who the fuck still watches pokemon thats over 5 yrs old, how the fuck am i supposed to know that hyakugojyuuichi is from pokemon. and ur bitch ass response tells me that u think ur superior because u come up with a statement that doesnt defend u stealing it, just says u stole it from sum1 who stole it, which supports my statement. gtfo

------ My reply:

Yes, it is time I confessed it. I stole the song. Everyone knows this. It's a legitimate (if legally questionable) art form known as "parody". Look it up in the dictionary some time. So was the point of your "review" to tell me that I stole the song? Or was it to show everyone on Newgrounds how awesomely perceptive you are because you noticed that I stole a song? Well, congratulations. Now everyone knows how awesomely perceptive you are, Captain Obvious. You must feel pretty bad that nobody cares. You must feel even worse that everyone likes the fact that I stole the song, and that I am proud that I stole the song, and that I just won $250 from Newgrounds' monthly "Cash for Flash" competition because lots of people liked the fact that I stole the song and voted for my movie to win. Do you know, Hablaman, what I am going to do with this money? I am going to spend it on bitches and grog, because that's what song-stealers do, unlike yourself, you who are too young to legally purchase alcohol and too puny of penis to pull chicks. And while I am enjoying these things, I am going to smoke a big fat cuban cigar and laugh to myself and say "I stole the song!" This is because I find it very amusing that not only did I steal the song (which I stole), but also that there is nothing, I repeat


that you can do about it.

If that makes you sad, then I suggest that you go and put on black makeup and pretend to cut yourself with a butter knife on YouTube. I'm sure you will find that maybe one or two people care. But I do not care, and I will not care. Do you know why? It is because I STOLE THE SONG.

Fuck, I love being me. XD

Yours songstealingly,

-Androgynous (stealer of the song).

P.S. I stole the song.

P.P.S. I will be sure to alert my rich, successful, chick-pulling cuban cigar-smoking buddy Lemon Demon to the possibility of you sending him messages about how he stole the song, as well. He really would care.