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Reviews for "Darfur Satire Shorts"

Lacks originality

Hi there, awesome stuff you made, I always sum stuff up, so lets do it!

+ Very funny
+ Great voices
+ The transformer part was cool

- Lacks originality
- Animation was very basic, just because South Park does it isn't an excuse

Cool stuff you made, sadly you definately lack some originality, but it's cool!

||Review Request Club||

Chakra-X responds:

Thanks for the review!

Yes, I do recognize that I "rode the coattails" of popular shows, but I wasn't really aiming for originality, but creativity.

However, if I am trying to parody South Park as close as possible, wouldn't it make sense to try to get the animation as close as possible, regardless of the quality of the original?


Im glad you are promoting awareness of this tragedy,but that was kinda lame.Ok animation and a good topic 6/10


LOL... United States talking of genocide, how many bloody dictators had been supported by united states (or being supported), the only reason that united states points sudan with the finger is because they don't have Sudan's oil, well united stated could blow the Statue of Liberty and pretend that was another "terrorist" attack, and incriminate sudan just like they did with Afghanistan and Irak, and invade them to take their oil.

Chakra-X responds:

I know what you're getting at, but that whole issue that you mentioned is more than just a conspiracy for oil =/. But I would not put it pass them that oil advantages play a part in who they make friendly with.

The international law states if a country (don't know which ones exactly. It may be the UN charter) claims a certain situation is genocide, they must do what they can to end it. There really haven't been that much genocidal dictators out there support by the US. Corrupted ones, yes, but not really genocidal leaders.

And if you are implying 9/11 was a secret operation committed by our government solely for oil advantages, I will have to immensely disagree with you there.

umm ok pretty good

good good i liked it


the south park parody wz good but the transformers 1 blew! and 2 tell the truth i realy dont giv a shit about darfur......least u made an effort so u get 1/2 good nice animation 2 you should jus work on southpark animation cuz that 1 wz better