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Reviews for "Mashhouse"


first off, I have to say, you get definite props for somehow making us actually want to play this despite the HORRIBLE engine...

aside from the engine beign awful, which probably isn't your fault, it was great. The level design was.... fuck you... I guess.... I found myself saying "why the fuck you you put an iron maiden there, you sick fuck?!?" on multiple occasions.

Only other critique would be that i felt like the game was largely about the character animations, it remidned me of fancy pants adventures. The death animations were awesome, but there should have been more detail in the character animations during the 10% of the time you spend alive in the game. some attention to detail, simply by adding a bunch of animations that are somewhat hidden (such as the headbanging and throwing up \m/ when you you quickly tap crouch in fancy pants) character animations would have made this game amazing.

exotworking responds:

Cool idea, almost forgot something like that...

Hmm nice

That was a good game, but something you fall for no reason just because you are too near of pit etc.... the jump is not realy naturaly and the bad guys can hit u when you jump ??? make the enemy with diferent atack stab or hook u when u jump over them etc..... make different suicide (just for fun) with full of music choice and other thing is great lol nice end :) but it was a lil short
continu make other game
-micmh- GREAT JOB

exotworking responds:

There are actually two kinds of suicides, one time he stabbes himself and another time he bites of his tongue. Just keep pressing ENTER.

this is fun

i like to kill him.. the suicide is a nice touch

exotworking responds:

I strongly recommend suicide features in games.


its good and its fun to commit suicide!<(^_^)>
but there is a bug:
if you jump and press shift you can you all the time.
even backwords.
but its ok.

exotworking responds:

Mmm..doesn´t work if I´m palying the game.

A good game with irritating problems.

This game is quite good however it becomes very tedious very quickly due to the buggy jumping mechanism. This game could be improved upon by modifying the jumping system so that you don't die the instant you move a tiny bit off the land. Also jumping while moving is buggy. Other than that great game!