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Reviews for "Jungle Defense"

good one

good one, cant really call it a defense game since your not defending anything in particular but i really liked it thou. the mapping i find a problem. i would try to expand it to the right and left going up and down gets kinda annoying. one more thing try to make it so the player can fickile around with the monoverability a bit. it seemed to move in the turning motion to fast for me. but others it might move just fine. thos are just some helpful advice. good game 4/5 and 9/10 overall keep up good work and thanks for the good games :)

Pretty cool

This game was pretty cool. The thing that really bugged me was the movement. The movement of the tank was a little too fast... I mean realistically it would take a lot more to turn the tank. Well, the turning really bugged me... but the rest of the game was cool.


This is a pretty good game, but I think a cool feature would be the ability to run over the enemies. After all, it does have that big roller on the front, right?

Not bad!

Upon opening this game up, I was instantly hit with the impression that it was just another generic defense-type game, but after some brief keyboard exploration I was surprised to see that you can actually DO STUFF.

The armoured vehicle handles pretty nicely and the sound the machine gun makes is strangely satisfying, but the inability to kill enemies by running them down was a but bewildering. I understand it may take the challenge down a few notches, but I can't help but feel like I've been cheated when I run a soldier down at full speed without any visual feedback whatsoever.

The level design wasn't exactly what I'd call intuitive; in the sense that if you added more obstacles, destructible environmental elements or even based the maps around objectives/missions as opposed to foam-at-the-mouth mouse-mashing it would probably uphold a bit more longevity/replay value. The engine is nice, but I just can't shake the feeling that it's not being used to its full potential.

Overall, a pretty decent defence game. It doesn't bring anything new to the table, but it exceeded my expectations.

Cool concept!

Really eerie how you can't anticipate the direction of the assault, but I like that element of challenge! The tank handles really well, I like it's turning mechanism...the upgrades get diverse, and the trick is to just keep moving, very realistic to an actual jungle scenario...the sound and background music is appropriate, and the graphics satisfy me; This flash rocks!

My only complaint is how small the stage is...you go up and down and only a little to the left and right...the only improvement I would make on this is to increase the roaming ability of the tank. Other than that, challenging and addictive! Voted 5!