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Reviews for "The Air We Breathe"

holy crap!

this is as scary as hell!!


i heard and watched noise until the song came on. then i stayed to finish the song. cool

what has air ever done for us but FLOAT ON. get it

i like the song. but i didn't feel the "dark" part though. i wanted the dark park. i get the issue that is being adressed, but i was looking for the gritty parts. so that's my review. (v'.')

its not so much poplution that's one of the worlds problems; it's more about politics and our fellow bretheren. its complicated. i found out that most of our problems could be solved with a simple signing, but its either expensive, politicans can't gain from it, or the people don't want to deal with the now to secure the later. polution can be solved, but it'll take ALOT of money to do it. and what does that mean? yup taxes. and again, we're more worried about the now instead of the later. it gets complicated; i'm still confused on alot of issues.

and since i can't do a flash on it... could you, ummm, pleeeease make a video about it... i'll give you kirby pillow. (see that, give people what they don't expect AND like) but i can't give you the pillow, you might trace my adress and steal all my left socks and shoes.

good art

Nicely done I like the style but Im not much on the EPA propaganda, Im tired of them trying to take our classic cars.


so your saying if we polute more our ancestors (who will probably be rude as hell) will die... works for me im just gonna leave my electronics on all night