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Reviews for "Physics Is Fun 1"

Well, it looks good, but i don't really understand

Well, it looks good, but i don't really understand anything, i'm not good at maths... 8/10!

i LOLed when he falled :D

IceDragonkin responds:

Thats ok if you don't understand it. i decided to do this problem because unlike almost ALL the problems this semester this on was interesting and funny. i LOLed in class when he was explaining it. and i want people to see physics applies everywhere and that it can be really freaking funny.


mathmaticaly cool!

lol this was pretty random and cool
dont think too many people care bout the equation but cheers for putting it in there!
killing some time watching a guy fall of of a ladder is fun :D

IceDragonkin responds:

I no not everyone cares about the math behind it but my physics professor who i did this as extra credit for sure does so thats why its there. plus it's something to look at well loading.

Glad you liked it.


Haha, It´s funny, indeed!

Suggested for Gadgets Collection.
I´d suggest you, though, that you give some clues about the range of some values. (E.g. Coefficient of Friction seems to be from 0 to 1 only...). It would be good to put them in brackets in the value input screen.
Good idea, the value check button.
Nice work, anyway.
(Loved the "AAAAaaaarrgh!!")

IceDragonkin responds:

Well thank you. Everyones really liking this flash and thats great.

I got to say thanks for the suggestion hope i make it in.

I'm sorry if i didn't make that clearer about the numbers though i do put a range in there but i guess i didn't label it well. So i'll make sure to edit that so it's clearer what values the problem needs and put it in the error message too.

Glad you liked it.


You learn something new every day.

I think this is a great representation of that problem. I am in college and haven't taken physics yet, but I really enjoyed toying with this. I hope you'll be making more of these types of games in the future, I'll be looking forward to it!

IceDragonkin responds:

Well thank you.

I hope if you take physics you can show this to your teacher and see how they like it. Also if it helps you cheat on your homework for this one problem then awesome. I'll see what I can do about more of these types of things i know that this is a hell of a lot more fun to use then a lecture to learn whats going on.

At the same time i skimped on the technical explanation so not to bore watchers but im going to through this on my web page and i might through up some material about this and similar problems up there.


Sort the game out and try and improve the physics

You have to remember to improve the sound based systemthat you are using. I know it can hard to keep it in synch but do it. The engine isn't up to standead. However, it does what's it suppoded to. Keep working are you get it.

Hypern. Flash is an art, ont a animation

IceDragonkin responds:

Tough but far.
I no the falling isn't as great as it should be but i put a lot of effort into learning action script i had never used before, all yesterday. Thats where i figured out how to us _root. to get variables outside of the object and I tinkered with the Tween import class methods for the ladder falling for hours. Also theres a tab order on the screen to go from textbox to textbox. So yes sound didn't sync but i mean u got to hand it to me. i figured all of that out in about 4 hours. I'll try to pay more attention on my next project. Not quite sure what it will be. I don't have any more fun physics problems for now but i might get another one eventually so keep looking.
