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Reviews for "The Ego is Broken"

Sweet 10/10!

Your transitions are beautiful. The choice of synths could of been better. However the melodys and stuff were great.I chose 10/10, 5/5. If you could of given a 9.5/10, I would of. Great track, very strong. Great beats. Join the Party Nextdoor!


ShinDenjin responds:

sweetness. Thanks man.


it don't scream eva! But it was still friggen great! The strange mix of sounds and instruments definatly made it a worthwhile experience.

When that flute like instrument kicked in, for some reason, I began to instantly grow attached to this piece, and then the choir like sounds came to accompany it... good planning on your part, nothing else to say about that.

The choir pad like instrument you solely use as the song progresses was a pretty good idea, gave a nice tense moment, before you began to dive into the madness!

I quite enjoyed it S-Denjin, a great.

5/5, keep them coming.

ShinDenjin responds:

Great review man. I was going to name it something else that wasn't EVA related but I noticed NeonGenesis Evangelion: END on the TV and just watching the last few scenes inspired the tune and inspired the name. Thanks for the review man.


ego is broken

werid name. Tight song.Look your way better then me.thankz for the reveiw for Get it snappin

ShinDenjin responds:

Thanks man, and I did get it snappin' ^_^



Excellent. I don't listen to much techno so this isn't going into my personal library, but it's a mighty fine example of the genre. I usually try to add a little constructive criticism but I've got nothing to say! 5/5 all the way. (oh, incidentally -- this piece of music made Cursorized a blast to "play," I doubt I would have made it to effect #100 if it wasn't for your music. I hope to see more of your music used in submissions.)

ShinDenjin responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you like it. I want my other songs to be used as well, but only fate knows what to do next. I've got my fingers crossed^_^



I don't really like techno either, but this is just great. Is it me or does the song really between styles from techno to jazzy pop for a microsecond and back? I dunno. Gave 7 for Originality since it just sounds like ninetysome other songs from Audio Portal or not that I've heard...

Great song. Weird name. 5/5, 10/10. Keep it up, this is what I want to hear.

ShinDenjin responds:

great man. thanks for the review^_^