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Reviews for "S.A.M.V. 6"


Major improvements and a very real story... I xre like this series... I WANT MORE!


NIN kid is a douche

crappy sound board

decent animation (pubes fries o.O)

the guy with a lisp goes on and off alot with it...

only part i kinda laughed at was the desperate grabs at random NGs people you put in so people go OMG LOL I LOVE RAB, SALAD FINGERS, or PACO!!!

BaconMask responds:

Paco RULES!!!

Count the times Percy says "Bullshit" win a prize

Well, it's been a while since I've seen these three scraping up the dishevelled droppings of what could constitute "life". What lo? Plot continuation? They actually got a place together? And it's a run down murder-scene crack house! What fun! At least it gets high speed internet, which I hope Melvin can rout into the BATHROOM.

Graphics - 8: Okay! Improvement! Good-o. Shading detail, some effects, even a range background or two! We're still seeing the same jagged, jumpy movement though, same style of bit by bit, flailing lip mouth movements though. My favourite of these is when Percy sees his mother and as if someone shouted "SCENE MISSING" he's on the deck sulking. I did like the little hairs on the fries though, good touch. Overall an improvement, the clip segments like the opening travel sequence I loved. Keep improving.

Style - 7: This I'm sort of down with. I like the extreme realism, the intense drama that seems to stem around every corner. Sure, it's dark and dreary, but it's realistic considering the decisions made by this trio of over eager tots. Gothy is still a retard, nerdo is still a fantasy freak, and Mexicano still thinks everything sucks. Seems reasonable. Just one thing: How'd his mom manage to transport a full Rib meal all the way out there? Wouldn't she be anti-meat, the hippie chick? WILL MELVIN GET HIS CLASSES BACK AND BANG THAT RED HAIRED CASHEER GIRL!? Of this, I must know.

Sound - 7: Good taste in music, voice recordings are good as usual, though I'm not keen on every girl sounding exactly alike. It might just be me. Not as many sound effects this time, which I regretted, as I know that crack house was in dire need of a drippy faucet, squeaky floorboards and a flickering, fizzing light or two.

Violence - 7: Cramming hot, hairy, filthy fries into Melvin's mouth? Check please.

Interactivity 8: All I'd really ask for. Play, with unique opening image, and replay with unique closing image. Plus, credits at the beginning, which I like better then at the end.

Humour - 2: Dude, where's my funny? This one LACKED in comedic relief. You once said 80% comedy, 20% seriousness... well you kinda' flipped it on me buddy. The Melvin fantasy sequence was a small snicker... but beyond that, this really should be put into the "serious flash". Give me something man!

Overall I'm regretting the direction you're taking here. This series used to be funny, edgy, and disarming in it's truthful drama. Now it's just three guys getting a shit deal and throwing their lives away willingly. It's "real", but it's no fun. If I'd gone into this expecting something so negative, I would feel better about the animation itself right now, but I went in wanting to see more of what came before! I'm trying not to be a dick here but, really, throw the trio a bone, or at least make their situation pitiable or humorous?


P.S. Oh yeah, and I think you've hit 100 as far as images or references to NIN goes.

BaconMask responds:

A few things-

Good review, you bring up very valid points here. I am gonna say that in trimming this file down to size a lot of the jokes were left on the cutting room floor, so the thing is kinda incomplete as shown here. I'm going to release a director's cut on the website that will have all of the omitted material.

This is a lot darker, but I really am going to try to make the main focus be the character's resilience. There's this inner strength that will get them through this situation together as a team. They have some really tough times ahead of them, but in the end people are going to get a great sense of what motivates these guys.

Thanks for the honest review! Again =)


the animation was really good, but thats abotu it
the humor wasnt really my thing, and some of the character's voices are a wee bit to high pitched and annoying...

I was waiting for THIS since the previous episode?

Thanx for the submission! I've been in anticipation to see it for quite a long time as well as a bunch of other people. But what was the boasting for? You've told us that this is going to be huge, this will be the best flash ever etc. It should be up to us, the viewers to estimate the quality of the artwork not to the author. And in fact, the episode is so short that it is hard to give it any kind of reviewing. At least I can not describe it as a wholesome product of any kind even as a logical part of an episode. On the content: IMHO adding emotional background music to the moments in which the psychology of a character can be insighted belongs to soap operas and Indian love novels. Just don't do it! And another thing - people do not speak in a way Melvin did while trying to persuade Percy to stay. It is a general description which you could use when retelling the principal point of a speach, but in casual conversations it is rare for an individual to use such manner of expressing his feelings.

P.S. Please do post S.A.M.V. in a few years, you owe your fans that much...

BaconMask responds:

Hello friend,

I do take your words to heart, and please note that this was not as complete of a version as I would have liked it to be. I value your viewership, and do give you my word that 1- this episode will be finished and 2 - you will not be dissapointed.

Keep checking back, and thanks for the review!