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Reviews for "Pokemon Rainbow"


what is the start botton


I really don't have much else to say about this submission other than the fact that I found this hilarious. Great Job!


As I can see, your only comeback is that no one else has made a flash. You're obviously not mature enough, and cannot handle any negative critizism, but I'm giving it to you anyway. And guess what, snappy, I've MADE a few animations. No, they're not that good, and yes, I'm still learning, but at least the ideas aren't borrowed from crap that went out years ago.

The last thing I bet ANY of us want is more 'Pokemon is gay' crap. No, I'm not a fan of the thing, but, as I said, that whole PokeCrap thing ended years ago. Gay jokes like this are not funny anymore, except to Elementary Schoolers. I'm pretty sure that you are NOT an Elementary Schooler, but I doubt anyone could really tell from your sense of humor. Get a few original jokes, instead of sticking to years-old, DEAD material nobody cares about.

You obviously have some decent talent. Use it better. And grow up a bit.

RobbyD responds:

wow, u really got to me... plus i dont ever remember ppl makin fun of pokemon.


It was just boring with cock jokes here and there. Don't know why poeple would want this. Oh well.

pretty 'gay' indeed

the whole 'pokemon are gay' thing is a bit old hat dont you think. apart from the annoying nostalgic pokemon music, and the crappy sprites, everything about this sucks major ass.

RobbyD responds:

12/14/07 Still hasn't contributed anything to the site, so here's an advertisement:
Ha thats you, you havent made an animation that has passed on newgrounds! So before you go around givin out bad reviews like candy, i suggest you grow some... and make your own flash!