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Reviews for "Prawn To Be Wild pt1"

Love them

Been keeping up on your site: I hope the finale is exceedingly excellent.

IPB being my favourite On the Moon character, and probably one of my favourites of all your characters, I was very excited when I saw the first game, and those that followed. While sometimes slightly buggy, the majority of what I feel makes these games as good as they are is the humour. Shouting the word 'anus' is guaranteed ha-has.

Keep on keeping on!

Cute funny game.

Fun, cute game. For those struggling, here's some hints.
You need the nuts, stick, bloody dress and tummy medicine to win.

The only thing you need to drag-and-drop is the stick and then only south of the guards.

Once there you need to be wearing the bloody dress. Tell the Bioshock creature that 1) you smell dead people and 2) You're ready for dreamtime.

You'll arrive in the King's toilet. Click the dressing room to remove your dress (else the king'll kick you out for fear you'll give him cooties. Then, tell the king you have his cure. He'll take it and then eat the nuts you have and die, leaving you as king - for a short time...

Good job

Although I've played the series up to number 12 ( out 2day!) I still think this game series IS the best ever! you should go forth and tell how the toast king... Moon hitler...and all the other on the moon characters got there! this game series deserves a medal of honor! can't wait to see part 12 on your site!


:) bioshock reference ftw


I went through all of these ages ago when they were still coming out, they were great