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Reviews for "Time Assault"

Good start

This is a good idea.What's missing is I'd say that more levels, with maybe smaller clocks at different places which all turn at the same time (and at different hours) and with predefined number of ninjas would make the game more interesting.

Not necessarely a story, but levels (and a way to win), for sure, would make the game great.

Lol... ninjas getting owned by a clock XD

CrazyChihuahua responds:

That's an interesting idea, definitely. The whole point of this game was something simple that you could jump into and control easily and enjoy in small bits.

As for that stuff, if there was another, there'd most likely be stuff like that.

Fucking Asome!

I LUV it it's asome!

CrazyChihuahua responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it.


i only played till 131 kills and left. great idea. u just need to make more fun. i dont know what it is missing though

CrazyChihuahua responds:

It picks up in terms of enemy numbers after a little while. If it's the base gameplay mechanics you aren't fond of, well, there's not much more to it than what's there =P


Maybe not a game that will last yoo for days, but what a great idea. One can really build up a good score with a trackball, hehe. Neat!

CrazyChihuahua responds:

Hehe, I'm sure there's a variety of control methods that can help rack up the score. All it comes down to in the end though is staying quick.

Thanks for the comment.

Great Start

No glitches to be fond, great solid flow, no real flaws. Humorous also, the only thing really holding it back was the lack of gameplay and eventually all I was doing was moving my mouse in circles. You couldn't have showed more promise so please try again.

CrazyChihuahua responds:

Thanks for that comment. Ya, the game is as simple as moving the mouse in circles and a wee bit of timed clicking, and we were aiming for simple. Perhaps if there were to be another one, it could have more variety.

Glad you enjoyed it though.