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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited 2 Issue 1"


Of devil may cry 2. Good game anyways

Dizimz responds:

so gien, are you stupid?

Nemesis says : I would suggest you stay in pre-school and learn how to read; because I most definitely seem to recall this project being a TRIBUTE to the Devil May Cry series from Capcom, it's not ripping off - it's an ongoing fan service for people who enjoy the series and who may find enjoyment in this game.

Dizimz says : concured whole heartedly.
First realize that this has so far gotten a few thousand people into playing devil may cry. people who never got around to playing it. and yeah youre probably 12 or under. therefore arent technically allowed to be on a teen - plus site.

Anyhow The game does in no way claim to be, or be as good as devil may cry. and learn the definition of review you fucktard.

I found a bug, too!

On the 2nd mission, where you have to double jump over the cliff or wall thing, and at the top there is a buzz saw. I jumped over the saw, and accidentally hit it anyways. it sent me flying, and trapped me INSIDE the wall!! Then, it wouldn't let me out... I tried everything I could think of, but I was still trapped! please fix the bug. other than that, everything was awesome, better than the 1st one ;-)

to many gliches

i cant even move him right and the guys come out of no were and im not saying this because i hate the game because i loved the first one it was awsume but this one like lags and moves slow, fix the gliches and il play again and give you 10/10 and 5/5 but fix them the god d*m gliches


this game sucked it was way too laggy no way to mute music no way to change quality and just flat out sucks